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  1. Kiwix is Broken with the last 2 updates. I have found a workaround however you might have to uninstall and reinstall the container. When adding the app manually change the repository to "kiwix/kiwix-serve:3.3.0-1" This is what I have done to get it working again.
  2. Can you please add this to the start of the thread? I spent a long time figuring out how to not only get this container to save settings but to also not crash after stopping and starting the container. What I did was install the container and run thru the basic setup to get to the main page. Then in advanced view I immediately did a force update. I had to run thru the setup once more but my settings are saved. I was scratching my head on why this worked on one unraid server but not another and now I know why. This version of cacti works PERFECT! The threshold works and if you set the poller settings to 30 sec and one min it is VERY FAST in detecting up and down states as well as email notifications. If everyone uses the force update they will not have any issues and I would rather have that workaround than risk a broken container. FYI I tried installing cacti by scratch with many operating systems and either the email was super slow in like 2 hours to report a down state or the email threshold just did not work. So GREAT JOB and thanks for creating this container!
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