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Everything posted by khorovatin

  1. Hmm. My system says that that image is no longer available: did you remove it?
  2. Sorry for the delay: work has been busy. In answer to your question: openjdk version "1.8.0_282" OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_282-b08) OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.282-b08, mixed mode) My existing server is a mojang 1.16.4. The new servers were mojang 1.12. and 1.12.2, forge 1.17.10, and TerraFirmaPunk-2.1.0. Running on UNRaid 6.9.1 hosted on an older Dell server with dual Xeon X5570 CPUs, 240 GiB of RAM, and plenty of free disk space. Filesystem is xfs. No pinned CPUs. Fifteen other Docker containers running with no issues..
  3. Thanks binhex, but "latest" didn't change the situation for me at all: I still get the permission issues starting existing servers and newly created servers. I did have luck getting everything to run by switching the Docker to "privileged", but do not feel safe leaving that enabled.
  4. Just chiming in to say I'm having the same problem. I just upgraded to Unraid 6.9.0 and cannot start my Minecraft 1.16.4 Standard server any more. Nothing else changed except the upgrade to the new version of Unraid. I've also tried the forced upgrade of the MineOS Docker, but nothing has helped. Edit: I created the debug.txt mentioned above and compared it to the posted one and, other than version numbers, mine looks virtually identical. Same file ownership (root:root) too.