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Posts posted by jensrobot

  1. Hello
    I was preclearing a NEW 8 TB hdd (sector scanned it before installing into server + smart ok) which i started yesterday. Today when i checked on it, it doesnt say it's preclearing anymore in dashboard, so i checked under tools->preclear, and i can se the job. Its done pre-reading but something has happened when it began the 2nd step / preclearing. It's running at "3 mb/sec" now and the sys log is going crazy. It seems like the disk is being constantly disconnected and reconnected, and the LED on the HDD bay tells the same story - it's blinking like crazy.
    I've had one issue earlier with a disk that "dissapeared" while pre-clearing in the same HDD slot, so im pretty sure its a bad connection, but at the time i just used another HDD slot and there was no problem.
    Im gonna try another cable once i have the server shut down, but if anyone here can shed some more light on the problem via the attached logs it would be apreciated.
    But the main thing right now is i can't shut down the server, i cant even stop the array, so im confused how to proceed. Shutdown button does nothing, and stopping array just gets me the orange loading symbol never going away. I don't wanna force shutdown if array is still running. I closed all vm's and dockers.


  2. 6 minutes ago, ich777 said:

    Sorry, completely missed that... :D


    You can also open the log when the container is stopped, may I ask if you have a dedicated Cache drive in your server and if the game files are located on the Cache drive?

    If not what path are you using to the gamefiles inside the Docker template for Arma3, always make sure that you use the real path (eg: /mnt/diskX/...) not the FUSE path (/mnt/user/...).


    If that doesn't help you have to give me a few days, really busy ATM... :/

    Yeah I'm running it of my cache drive, is that a problem? I've done this with other steamcmd servers no problem.

    I left these unaltered:

    Steamcmd: /mnt/user/appdata/steamcmd

    Serverfiles: /mnt/cache/appdata/arma3/gamefiles

    profiles: /mnt/cache/appdata/arma3/profiles


    Appreciate your help alot!

  3. 10 minutes ago, ich777 said:

    I will look into this, give me a few days please.

    In the meantime can you share your Diagnostics? I've switched the container over to the 64-bit version but this was about a month ago and it should work correctly from my testing back then.


    You should see the Docker log when you click on the icon from the container and click on log.

    thx! yeah i was watching the log on my second screen as it restarted itself. This log window autoscrolls super fast, and also start hanging when restart happens. Therefor it was hard to spot and copy text, but i managed to grab 2 screenshots :/ is it perhaps the "Server 0:0 not found" entry?

    diagnostics should be in previous post?



  4. Trying to run an Arma3 server using this docker and it's acting really weird. Everything seems to work fine, server starts, and we can connect remotely to it fine and pick mission and roles, but when you try and start mission from the map briefing the server just restarts with no apparent error, and clients hang with "no message recieved for XX seconds". During this the server restart, and my dashboard gui goes unresponsive for 1 min or so.

    I tried removing and readding docker and i was actually able to get in game only for it to crash after 1 min. After this its back to crashing right at the map briefing.

    It's vanilla - no mods and i removed all mods on clientside too.

    Can you help? i cant seem to find the arma logs, or the ones i can see are empty 


  5. 21 hours ago, JorgeB said:

    You should replace it then, or at least swap both cables/slot with another one to rule that out and then replace if more errors.

    I'll switch ports next. The motherboard actually have 2 different sata controllers built in (there is 2 extra slots next to the group of i think 6 ports), and i just notice disk6 is the only one on the secondary controller. I'll report back

  6. Heya @ich777

    Project Zomboid just launched a new build 41 multiplayer test branch. I changed GAME_ID to 380870 -beta b41multiplayer. Now i'm getting errors and server don't start up fully. I've read from one of the devs that they use most recent GLIBC and thats why error appears. Is this something you need to know? Short reddit thread here on the matter: 



  7. sadly my server has now turned itself off during parity check, and its starting with the array stopped. This happened 2½ months ago also during a parity check, but I thought it was fixed when I got a new PSU (Super Flower Leadex III 550W) about 2 months ago. I wanna try and change the sata cable for disk6, I think the problems started after I added this disk.

    Is there any risk of data loss from the parity check crash in itself? I'm thinking its ok because it only reads data... I'm looking for a way to replicate this crash for troubleshooting purposes without risk of data loss

    EDIT: Btw i started array and its seems ok - green lights

  8. 5 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

    It's logged as a disk problem, but these can be intermittent, and since the extended SMART test passed the disk is OK for now, keep monitoring.

    JorgeB to the rescue :) 

    Thx for swift reply, ill keep monitoring

  9. 2 hours ago, Lolight said:

    Leadex Gold is not the same as Leadex III Gold.

    Oops I posted wrong url, but I was looking and comparing Leadex III "normal" vs RGB.


    Anyway, after seeing all the praise this PSU is getting around the web and also based on your recommendation, I'm just gonna bite the bullet and pay the premium price of it locally. Import duties and shipping would push it into a similar price range anyway.

    Thanks for the help!

  10. 3 minutes ago, JonathanM said:


    If you understand how to use a multimeter, you can fix them by repinning if necessary, but there have been more posts on here than I can count on one hand where people blew up MULTIPLE drives at once by reusing physically compatible cables that didn't output the voltage to the correct pins.


    If you don't know exactly what you are doing, NEVER use a cable not specifically meant for that PSU.

    Oh damn! well good to know thx alot :)

    Seems silly to pay so much more just for some extra cables... well the search goes on maybe i can buy these separate

  11. I wanna buy it locally, and I found the RGB version for "only" 126$ and a lot more vendors to choose from. It should be the same yes? I compared the specs from vendor site, and only difference i could see was that it has less cables for sata in the box, and the RGB version had more stuff under "protection"

    This is the normal version: https://www.super-flower.com.tw/product-data.php?productID=77&lang=en

    RGB version: https://www.super-flower.com.tw/product-data.php?productID=138&lang=en

    I can get some more modular cables of work i think. These should be standardized right?

  12. 13 hours ago, Lolight said:

    I actually never heard of this brand, and I only found 1 retailer that has this in stock where i live (Denmark). It will cost me a whoppin' 158$, and that's probably because its a uncommon brand over here. We sure It's single rail? some searching seems to confirm that it is, but that's from 3rd party sites. The vendors site does not seem to mention it.

  13. So I just had my unraid server crash and reboot during a full parity sync after I removed a disk from array :(

    Recently I've been having other problems I think are related to power, so I'm not taking any more chances and I'm replacing the old Corsair VS350 i have now. This one was never specifically bought for this server, it was just something I already had when I build the server.


    I tried looking up PSU's on the wiki and forum but all seems around a decade old, so I'm hoping someone here can give me a more specific and not so dated recommendation...

    I have 7 drives + 1 SSD installed at the moment, but my plan is to max the disk capacity in the case to 12 HDD's + 1 SSD. It's a mix of 7200 and 5400 rpm disks.

    I attach diagnostics so my specs should be in there.


  14. Rebuild done with no errors yay :) I'll probably remove disk 7 next so i have a spare disk.

    I attach log in case you wanna have a look.

    I learned some new things, and i will have to troubleshoot the bigger issue carefully. Since pre-clear and smart went fine on icydock+sas controller, i have to be smart about it. The errors happened after i already transferred multiple terabytes without error. I'm thinking about getting a new PSU (to get out of adapter/splitter hell), add some disks to the icydock (but don't add to array) and start some large test file transfers.

    If i transfer from array directly to an unassigned disk, and if an error like previous occurs, it will break the transfer since i wont have an emulated drive taking over right?


    If you have any suggestions on how to proceed i'm all ears. You've been a great help so far, so thanks again.


  15. I really appreciate your help and time, and you explain it well i just think im way in over my head here and right now im honestly super confused.

    I have a 2 port sata controller i can use to connect disk 6 and 7. This way I avoid the sas controller and icydock variables. Do i rebuild disk 6 like stated here?: https://wiki.unraid.net/Manual/Storage_Management#Rebuilding_a_drive_onto_itself

    I dont have a spare 6TB disk, and in hindsight i should maybe have kept disk 7 as a spare disk instead of adding it to array right away :(


    3 hours ago, trurl said:

    Best if you are transferring that data off the array, since writing to other disks in the array would be a lot slower due to emulation needing to read all disks. And you currently have no protection since there is already one disabled disk with single parity.


    Even better would be if you already had backups of everything important and irreplaceable. Lots of more common ways to lose data that parity can't help with, including user error.

    I transferred all contents of disk 6 of to another pc. It's not super important data, just video files that can be replaced. I checked some of the files and the play fine. I guess there might be a defective file(s) somewhere, or did the emulated drive take over when the error occurred? (i was doing the transfer between parity disks in mc when error occurred, and mc didnt give me error and seemed to complete the transfer).

    I do have backups of irreplaceable data on other machines :)

    3 hours ago, trurl said:

    It wouldn't even let you start the array since you would have too many missing or disabled disks. Even if you didn't already have a disabled disk, simply unassigning a disk and starting the array without it would only make it emulate the missing disk so it could rebuild it when you replaced it.

    Aah yes makes sense since I only have the one parity drive. Is it ill advised to only have 1 parity drive? I expanded quite a bit since i first got unraid, so maybe it would be smart to add a 2nd parity drive?


    3 hours ago, trurl said:

    Tools - New Config lets you assign disks however you want, including adding, removing, or changing the order of disks. Then (optionally and by default) rebuilds parity on any disks assigned to any parity slots. If you remove (or add) a data disk with New Config, then parity rebuild is required since it isn't valid without exactly the same disks it was using before.


    Note if you go that route, there would no longer be any option to rebuild disk6. Whatever is on disk6 is what you would get. Maybe it would be OK since the disk is OK, but it would have had some incomplete writes (which is why it was disabled) and you couldn't recover those. Some possibility that the incomplete writes would have caused some filesystem corruption that would have to be repaired.

    So just to be clear, if i remove disk7 from here it will re-activate disk6 and try to rebuild parity?

    Wouldn't the files from disk6 be ok since emulated drive took over? and if file corruption took place, would it not only be the one file it was transferring when error occurred thats corrupted?

  17. Currently transferring off the emulated disk. Will take quite a while, but after that I will feel more secure dealing with this.


    45 minutes ago, trurl said:

    If you don't want disk7 involved you might New Config without disk7 and rebuild parity instead of rebuilding disk6 and hope for the best. Since it looks like the disk is OK maybe it will be OK without rebuilding it or its filesystem could be repaired if that turned out to be necessary.


    can you elaborate what you mean with "new config" i'm a bit confused. I'm guessing you mean i stop array, remove disk7 from dropdownlist and start array?

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