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Posts posted by Derbsgames

  1. On 1/28/2021 at 11:21 PM, ich777 said:

    I have now updated the container, please force an update of the container on the Docker page in Unraid: grafik.png.be15b053c1645caaa6b10f236105ede5.png


    You now have the ability to delete the entry 'server.cfg' from the variable 'ConfigFile' and the server will start without the server.cfg and load up the txAdmin, but keep in mi











    Hello @ich777 -- First of all, thank you for all of your work! I have used several of your gameservers and almost always find what I need.


    I am trying to run a FiveM server and use txAdmin. I have removed the server.cfg from the ConFig file template, I have added an additional Port to the template, and my log shows that it is listening at http://localhost:40120 but when I try to access this I am unable to connect. 

    Maybe I am missing some fundamentals, I am very new to Unraid, Dockers, and Linux, but can you point me in the right direction?


    Here's my log below:

    ---Checking if UID: 99 matches user---
    ---Checking if GID: 100 matches user---
    ---Setting umask to 000---
    ---Checking for optional scripts---
    ---No optional script found, continuing---
    ---Version Check---
    ---FiveM Version up-to-date---
    ---Prepare Server---
    ---Checking for old logs---
    ---Starting Server---
    �[32m _______ ______
    | ___\ \/ / ___| ___ _ ____ _____ _ __
    | |_ \ /\___ \ / _ \ '__\ \ / / _ \ '__|
    | _| / \ ___) | __/ | \ V / __/ |
    |_| /_/\_\____/ \___|_| \_/ \___|_|
    -------------------------------- �[93mmonitor�[32m ---�[0m
    Creating script environments for _cfx_internal
    Creating script environments for monitor
    �[1m�[44m[txAdmin]�[49m�[22m Version 2.3.0 using data path '/serverdata/serverfiles/txData'
    �]0;txAdmin: default��[1m�[44m[txAdmin]�[49m�[22m >> Starting profile default
    �[1m�[42m[txAdmin:ConfigVault]�[49m�[22m Started
    �[1m�[42m[txAdmin:Authenticator]�[49m�[22m Started
    �[1m�[44m[txAdmin:Authenticator]�[49m�[22m ==========================================
    �[1m�[44m[txAdmin:Authenticator]�[49m�[22m ==> Admins file not found.
    �[1m�[44m[txAdmin:Authenticator]�[49m�[22m ==> PIN to add a master account: �[7m 5721 �[27m
    �[1m�[44m[txAdmin:Authenticator]�[49m�[22m ==========================================
    �[1m�[42m[txAdmin:DiscordBot]�[49m�[22m Disabled by the config file.
    �[1m�[42m[txAdmin:FXRunner]�[49m�[22m Started
    �[1m�[42m[txAdmin:Logger]�[49m�[22m Started
    �[1m�[42m[txAdmin:Translator]�[49m�[22m Started
    �[1m�[42m[txAdmin:Monitor]�[49m�[22m Started
    No such command sv_licenseKey.
    No such command sv_hostname.
    �[1m�[42m[txAdmin:WebServer]�[49m�[22m Listening at �[7m http://localhost:40120/ �[27m
    �[1m�[42m[txAdmin:WebServer]�[49m�[22m Listening at �[7m �[27m