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Noob (1/14)



  1. Hello @ich777 -- First of all, thank you for all of your work! I have used several of your gameservers and almost always find what I need. I am trying to run a FiveM server and use txAdmin. I have removed the server.cfg from the ConFig file template, I have added an additional Port to the template, and my log shows that it is listening at http://localhost:40120 but when I try to access this I am unable to connect. Maybe I am missing some fundamentals, I am very new to Unraid, Dockers, and Linux, but can you point me in the right direction? Here's my log below: ---Checking if UID: 99 matches user--- ---Checking if GID: 100 matches user--- ---Setting umask to 000--- ---Checking for optional scripts--- ---No optional script found, continuing--- ---Starting...--- ---Version Check--- ---FiveM Version up-to-date--- ---Prepare Server--- ---Checking for old logs--- ---Starting Server--- �[32m _______ ______ | ___\ \/ / ___| ___ _ ____ _____ _ __ | |_ \ /\___ \ / _ \ '__\ \ / / _ \ '__| | _| / \ ___) | __/ | \ V / __/ | |_| /_/\_\____/ \___|_| \_/ \___|_| -------------------------------- �[93mmonitor�[32m ---�[0m Creating script environments for _cfx_internal Creating script environments for monitor �[1m�[44m[txAdmin]�[49m�[22m Version 2.3.0 using data path '/serverdata/serverfiles/txData' �]0;txAdmin: default��[1m�[44m[txAdmin]�[49m�[22m >> Starting profile default �[1m�[42m[txAdmin:ConfigVault]�[49m�[22m Started �[1m�[42m[txAdmin:Authenticator]�[49m�[22m Started �[1m�[44m[txAdmin:Authenticator]�[49m�[22m ========================================== �[1m�[44m[txAdmin:Authenticator]�[49m�[22m ==> Admins file not found. �[1m�[44m[txAdmin:Authenticator]�[49m�[22m ==> PIN to add a master account: �[7m 5721 �[27m �[1m�[44m[txAdmin:Authenticator]�[49m�[22m ========================================== �[1m�[42m[txAdmin:DiscordBot]�[49m�[22m Disabled by the config file. �[1m�[42m[txAdmin:FXRunner]�[49m�[22m Started �[1m�[42m[txAdmin:Logger]�[49m�[22m Started �[1m�[42m[txAdmin:Translator]�[49m�[22m Started �[1m�[42m[txAdmin:Monitor]�[49m�[22m Started No such command sv_licenseKey. No such command sv_hostname. �[1m�[42m[txAdmin:WebServer]�[49m�[22m Listening at �[7m http://localhost:40120/ �[27m �[1m�[42m[txAdmin:WebServer]�[49m�[22m Listening at �[7m �[27m