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  1. Completely understand what's being said but personally I couldn't care less I spent a few hrs getting it set up and then didn't touch it for months until yesterday when new HDD's arrived. That's evidence to me that unraid does the job I need it to do That said, I probably am a "techy linux command line enthusiast"
  2. Strange gprime, I picked up 2 pro licenses yest afternoon (GMT) through paypal without any issues Glad you got it in the end
  3. Apologies if this is obvious but I'm yet to receive my kit to delve into unRaid and would prefer to get a plan together now I'll be starting out with just a single solitary 3TB drive which means a parity drive is out. When I get the cash I'll be buying two more and declaring one of those as the parity. My question is whether, considering my first disk will already have data on it, I will be able to just put the 2 new ones in, declare one of them as the parity, and suffer no data loss on the first drive? I would essentially be 'importing' a drive with data on it I guess Thanks
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