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Everything posted by Dansheen83

  1. Hi ljm, I just wanted to add a final post in case it's useful for someone reading. I've confirmed that my router is not forwarding any ports even after it's instructed to do so. I found the following helpful to confirm if a port is open. Maybe it can help someone else diagnos a troublesome router. https://www.whatismyip.com/port-scanner/ Thanks again Dan
  2. I tried remote access from work today and got the following. I've reviewed my port forwarding rules and am reasonably confident they are good (considering it doesn't work) . I have a friend that also uses Unraid and he reviewed my forwarding settings and also could not find fault. I went to unplug an ethernet cable from my router and noticed the router was extremely hot so it's possible I've an unusual hardware issue. As a precaution I intend to swap out my router in the coming days. Thanks for the assistance so far, I will post again when I've something new to try or have new hardware. Have a good weekend!!!
  3. Hi ljm, I just re read the last line of my previous post and realized it may sound like i have no problem. I tried the URL you suggested and it worked, i reached the log in page but my original problem is unchanged. From the Unraid.net page i cannot connect. Thanks again for your time. Dan
  4. Hi ljm42, The output from the command you gave above is root@Fileserver:~# php /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/include/UpdateDNS.php -v (Output is anonymized, use '-vv' to see full details) Unraid OS 6.10.3 with My Servers plugin version 2022.09.06.2108 ✅ Signed in to Unraid.net as Dansheen83 Use SSL is no ✅ Rebind protection is disabled for myunraid.net Local Access url: http://Fileserver.local ✅ 192-168-8-192.hash.myunraid.net resolves to Remote Access url: https://[redacted].hash.myunraid.net:[redacted] ✅ [redacted].hash.myunraid.net resolves to [redacted] Request: { "keyfile": "[redacted]", "plgversion": "2022.09.06.2108", "internalhostname": "Fileserver.local", "internalport": "80", "internalprotocol": "http", "remoteaccess": "yes", "servercomment": "Media server", "servername": "Fileserver", "internalip": "", "externalhostname": "*.hash.myunraid.net", "externalport": "[redacted]", "externalprotocol": "https", "unraidreport": "{\"os\":{\"serverName\":\"Fileserver\",\"version\":\"6.10.3\"},\"api\":{\"version\":\"2.50.0\",\"status\":\"running\",\"environment\":\"production\"},\"apiKey\":\"valid\",\"myServers\":{\"status\":\"authenticated\",\"myServersUsername\":\"Dansheen83\"},\"relay\":{\"status\":\"connected\"},\"minigraph\":{\"status\":\"connected\"},\"cloud\":{\"status\":\"ok\",\"ip\":\"\"}}" } Response (HTTP 200): [] success I tried the URL with my hash and can access the server no problem. Thanks Dan
  5. Thanks ljm42, I'll try both of those later after work. Much appreciated Dan
  6. Hi, I've recently been unable to remote into Unraid. I had previously had no issue remoting in. I've reviewed my routers forwarding settings and they are unchanged. I get the following error which led my to doubt my router config. See below fileserver-diagnostics-20220914-2122.zip I have reset my router and copied the settings (that once worked) back after the reset but to no avail. While viewing the MyServers Dashboard I can see remote access is available, so I think I'm signed in correctly. If anyone has an insight I'd appreciate it. It may be irrelevant but the first time I encountered the issue I was remoting/remoted in and someone at home unplugged the router while my session was active. I've added a log also. Thanks again
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