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Posts posted by gekoch

  1. I just changed the main hardware of my UNRAID server, so new Mainboard, new CPU, new RAM.

    Graphics Card and HDD / SDD are the same.

    From the previous sever I had one VM with WIN10. With the new Hardware installed I tried to launch this VM but somehow the UNRAID system crashed. Docker Containers weren't accessible anymore, the VM and Settings Tab in the UNRAID web GUI did not load and a reboot command did not reboot the system.

    I had to pull the power plug.


    Now I did create a new VM since I thought it might have some wrong drivers etc. seemed to work smoothly but now again same behavior as before.


    Any guess?


  2. Ich höre immer wieder, dass Duplicati nicht funktioniert etc. Doch ich habe in den vergangenen 3 Jahren sehr gute Erfahrungen gemacht. Zum einen brauche ich Duplicati fürs sichern der Daten auf einen google drive und seit neuem auch ein externes Backup im Geschäft auf eine 4TB Platte. Im Geschäft sitzt ein HC2 der mit WireGuard mit zuhause verbunden ist. Auf dem HC2 ist OMV installiert und ich synchronisiere alle 2 Tage 2-3TB Daten per Duplicati auf den HC2.

    Funktioniert sehr gut und dank dem inkrementellen Backup geht das auch relative flott von statten (pro Backup Durchgang kommen rund 2-3GB dazu).


    Weiter musste ich mit Duplicati schon sehr oft Daten aus dem google drive account wiederherstellen da ich was gelöscht oder verloren habe und das hat bis anhin immer 100% funktioniert. Bin sehr zufrieden mit der Software aber eben das ist nur eine Ansicht falls du Fragen hast einfach melden.

  3. Hy


    After each boot the mount points for each disks are different.

    For the array this is not a problem but for one script that adjusts the Fans inside the server according to the temperature of each hdd. I read the temp etc by accessing the add via the mount point (sdi, deg etc.)

    But every reboot of the server I need to adjust the script to fit the new mounting points.


    Why are they always different and don't stay the same? How can I fix this?



  4. ok I've found the problem.

    On another cache drive there were also a few files from this share stored. So I set this cache drive as cache pool and set it to Yes let mover transfer all files to the array, and now the share is protected!


    Thx anyway and sorry for opening another thread wit this topic


    • Thanks 3
  5. Hy


    I know the Question about "Some or all files unprotected" has been asked several times and I think I read al posts but still can't figure out whats wrong with one of my share folders.

    I have a share folder called nextcloud which had a pair of SSD as a cache and was set to "Use cache pool" prefer. But then suddenly the green dot in front of the sehre turned to an exclamation mark (Some or all files unprotected)


    So I powered down the nextcloud docker, set the share to "Use cache pool" to yes, and let mover transfer all files from the SSD "protected" to the array. After all files where moved and the SSD cache was empty the "Some or all files unprotected" was still there even after a reboot of the server.


    So whats wrong with this share? Is it really not protected since now all files are on the array (array has ha parity disk)?

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