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Everything posted by LukePOLO

  1. As the title states, unraid randomly becomes unresponsive either randomly or during transcoding. Although its been happening for a long time, i was able to go for up to 3 months without a crash (limited transcoding) and just dealt with it. Sometimes the system stays up for hours sometimes for minutes. The more intense transcoding I do (either through plex or unmanic) its more reliable to become unresponsive. Both plex and unmanic use `/tmp` to make sure memory doesn't get smashed. Troubleshooting: * memtest (pass) * switch to using /tmp to make sure it could only consume 1/2 of the total memory Hardware on the Way: * New Memory * New USB Drive * New Power Supply (350 w -> 500 w) Attached : * Diagnostics * Img of Last Crash (last-crash.jpg) : some odd shit in there * Remote SysLog for past 2 days (when i started todo constant transcoding) : last crash `Aug 9 12:21:2` ish * Memory Graph During Crash (Ram Usage.png) Any Help would be Greatly Appreciated! Update #1: Replaced PSU , from a 350 -> 500. I noticed that my UPS load was hovering around 360~ , but i have other things connected to it as well (some switches and other things) , so I always thought it was ok and I had some headroom. Will report back after a few hours of testing heavy transcoding. Update #2: It crashed. Waiting for memory now. tower-diagnostics-20220809-1411.zip unraid.log
  2. Reporting same issue , glad to see it seems to be a bug
  3. I am using the nginx reverse proxy and tried adding the advanced config ``` proxy_buffering off; proxy_buffer_size 16k; proxy_busy_buffers_size 24k; proxy_buffers 64 4k; proxy_request_buffering off; client_max_body_size 0; gzip off; ``` No go for me /.cry
  4. Update : I have not had a crash since i've removed the `br0` being used. I had an extra NIC and just use that as my br0 instead. So far no issues 3 days running no crashes!
  5. What's funny is I recently enabled 'Host access to custom networks:' and it caused crashes almost daily since I've done that. I had been getting crashes but they were between 4-7 days. I will try disabling it and see if the crash logs are similar
  6. Im a new to unraid, and have had pretty good luck up until now. System is roughly 2 weeks old, and crashes are becoming more frequent (first crash happened 1 week 2 days, now im crashing about twice a day) Im unsure where to start but I figured id post my syslogs from a recent crash Im more than happy to provide more details .. Thanks! [updated: attached as a file / diagnostics ] syslog tower-diagnostics-20210521-1615.zip
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