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Posts posted by noski

  1. Did you figure this out @chansearrington?

    I don't have a Netapp myself, but I have been thinking about getting one so I am researching and came across this thread.

    I did find this post which maybe helpful to you - https://community.netapp.com/t5/ONTAP-Hardware/Cabled-correctly/td-p/12303

    An interesting comment was "Always Circle to Square".

    If I imagine a 2 port HBA card as being a circle and a square, I believe you can wire it up like the bottom left component from the diagram in that post (and ignore the bottom right component which is there for redundancy).

    Disclaimer - this is just my thoughts. I don't have one myself to verify. Just trying to help.


    And now a question of my own...

    I have seen this item listed on ebay https://www.ebay.com/p/2136573122?iid=294860204489 with a description "NetApp Class 5350 Model 0834 24-Bay SFF Storage Array w/2*Drive Module 2*PSU".

    I am not quite sure the exact name of this device. I believe it is something of a 'Disk Expander' as opposed to a 'Disk Shelf'.

    Would the Netapp Disk Expansion device work like the Disk Shelf devices when connecting to a HBA?

    To me it seems like it would work but I can't find any reference working examples like the DS4243 and DS4246.

    The advantage to me is that the 'Disk Expander' device has standard SFF-8088 ports which eliminates some of the hassle I read about the IOM modules. Thanks for any help.

  2. On 1/4/2020 at 2:37 AM, Weavus said:

    I have the VLAN listed in my Docker settings as shown above and br0.5 is listed on the Docker settings page. However Docker network ls or the 'Network Type' dropdown on container templates is not showing it.

    I have the same problem. Did you find a solution?

  3. Screenshot attached.

    I edited the script and hit save (didn't change the contents), and the config file then updated to this:

    command.1 = "/boot/config/plugins/unassigned.devices/My_Passport.sh"
    automount = "yes"
    command_bg.1 = "true"

    Most recent plugin attempt resulted in this in the syslog, but nothing else after that:

    Oct 30 21:50:52 Tower unassigned.devices: Running device script: 'My_Passport.sh' with action 'ADD'.



    command.1 = ""
    automount = "yes"

    The previous warning doesn't seem to be showing now. I assume it corrected itself. Does that contents look OK? On a side note, I am trying to setup a script to run when the drive is plugged in (using the sample provided in the first post), however it is not getting executed. I can't see anything obvious in the syslog.


    Oct 30 21:44:43 Tower unassigned.devices: Adding disk '/dev/sdu1'...
    Oct 30 21:44:43 Tower unassigned.devices: Mount drive command: /sbin/mount -t ntfs -o auto,async,noatime,nodiratime,nodev,nosuid,umask=000 '/dev/sdu1' '/mnt/disks/My_Passport'
    Oct 30 21:44:44 Tower unassigned.devices: Successfully mounted '/dev/sdu1' on '/mnt/disks/My_Passport'.
    Oct 30 21:44:44 Tower unassigned.devices: Disk with serial 'My_Passport_0748_575837314138325031303237', mountpoint 'My_Passport' is not set as sharable and will not be shared...


  5. On 9/17/2019 at 2:22 AM, binhex said:

    the default inactivity timeout is 0, which means do not timeout on inactivity, i believe what you are seeing is part of the --keepalive option, which can be tuned but really shouldnt need to be (works for everybody else), its currently set to ping every 10 secs, and if no response within 60 seconds then restart.

    Thanks for that. I will play with the VPN_OPTIONS.



    one thing i have noticed is that you are using a non standard port, and also using TCP, any particular reason for this?

    I was using the 'STRONG' PIA config files which use port 1197 (https://www.privateinternetaccess.com/helpdesk/kb/articles/where-can-i-find-your-ovpn-files). I used the files directly from PIA without modification. I will try different ones to see if it helps.

  6. 15 hours ago, binhex said:

    inactivity timeout is a fact of life and isnt an issue by itself, this just indicates that openvpn has detected a ping timeout with the remote ip address, thus the tunnel is down, this can be caused by your isp and/or your vpn provider and can happen at any time and is completely normal. what isnt normal is having repeated timeouts which can indicate either an inability to create the vpn tunnel or an issue with your isp connection stability or vpn provider stability.

    Understood. What is the timeout value? Can it be configured? and if not, can that be an enhancement?

  7. For me, I can find "Inactivity timeout" entries in my supervisord logs going back as far as June 2018, possibly further, but the logs have rolled. So this is not a 'new' issue.

    It was infrequent in the past, so I guess it went unnoticed. Currently, it is constant.

  8. On 9/13/2019 at 2:28 AM, binhex said:

    hmm nothing obvious in the logs, i can see the restarts, my only thoughts/guesses are:-


    1. isp instability, is your connection rock solid to isp, im assuming wired connection right?

    2. check mem usage, it could be OOM killer killing openvpn.

    3. look for any rogue scripts or such that maybe attempting to backup the container.

    Thanks for the ideas.

    1. Yes I'm using a wired connection. My router doesn't indicate any connectivity issues with the ISP.

    2. Mem usage looks ok, using ~2GB out of 16GB.

    3. I do have the "CA Backup / Restore Appdata" plugin installed by it is not running on a schedule. I'll have a look if I can find anything else but not sure if I'll find anything.


    Some more info:

    - Yes I am an unRaid user and not a QNAP user.

    - I also have your other torrent dockers - delgue and qbittorrent. I looked at their logs and they also have the same issue.


    There are many articles on the internet for "Inactivity timeout (--ping-restart), restarting". I am looking into them.

  9. I am having issues with rtorrent constantly restarting. It is only up for a minute or 2 before it restarts.

    Sample from log:

    2019-09-11 14:37:31,346 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output:
    [info] ruTorrent plugins initialised
    2019-09-11 14:39:23,562 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
    Wed Sep 11 14:39:23 2019 [531bf825779768703299168ed8b30109] Inactivity timeout (--ping-restart), restarting


    Any ideas what the cause would be? Is it an issue with PIA?

  10. Thanks BRiT for the ideas on possible workarounds.

    Yes having the top level directory in the share works (and can be used to span more than one disk as itimpi indicated), but I am after a solution that doesn't require that top level directory. Mainly for applications that don't really work with that setup - for example, Sonarr/Radarr.


    Thanks for the suggestion of a custom mover script. I hadn't thought of that. It sounds do-able as a workaround in light of not having this feature. I will attempt to give it a crack and will post back if I come up with something.



  11. Maybe I am a bit OCD, but for particular Shares, I like to place files on specific disks.


    The way I manage this currently is either using the disk specific shares (disk1, disk2, etc) or ensuring the top level directory in the share only exists on 1 disk and using a "Split level" of "Manual".


    What I propose is a new "Allocation Method" (in Share Settings) that provides the ability to define a path pattern for each disk.
    The procedure for selecting the disk for writing would work like this:
    - iterate over each defined path pattern
    - if there is a match, then write the file to that disk (and break/end the loop if successful)
    - else continue until all definitions are tested

    The patterns would use standard regex rules.

    Potential issues:
    - After iterating over all path pattern definitions, a match is not found. Expectation - this simply results in a failure writing the file.
    - A path could match multiple definitions. Potential Solution 1 - only the first match is used. If the disk is full, it fails. Potential Solution 2 - if there is a match, but the disk is full, continuing looking for another match.

    - Not sure how this would work with the "Split level" setting. Perhaps that needs to be disabled when using this Allocation Method.

    - Perhaps the "Included disk(s):" and "Excluded disk(s):" need to be disabled also.

    UI Design:
    For me personally, I am fine with the webpage presenting a list of fields to define the patterns in normal disk order (ie disk1, disk2, ... ).
    However, if it is possible to provide controls on the page to reorder the definitions (so that disks higher up the list take precedence), I see that as potentially being useful to people also.

    An simple example:

    Share name: Movies

    disk1: "^[aA].*$" - Match all paths under the share that start with 'a' or 'A'. Example: "Movies/Avatar (2009)"
    disk2: "^[bB].*$" - Match all paths under the share that start with 'b' or 'B'. Example: "Movies/Battleship (2012)"
    disk26: "^[zZ].*$" - Match all paths under the share that start with 'z' or 'Z'. Example: "Movies/Zombieland (2009)"
    disk27: ".*" - Catch all the rest. Example: "Movies/2012 (2009)"


    I understand this may not result in drives filling evenly or efficiently. That is not the intention of this allocation method. The other existing allocation methods already serve those purposes. The 'Pattern Match' Allocation Method that I have proposed is more for those OCD people that want more granular control of where files are placed within the Array when using a User Share.

  12. I don't believe a feature enhancement is required as I managed to get it to work with the current capability and, in the end, it was straight forward.

    Probably what is lacking is a simple example. I couldn't find a definitive one myself when I tried setting this up either. I will show what worked for me in the hope it helps others...


    I was able to setup an XP VM by only setting the following 3 fields (all others left as default):


    - OS Install ISO: /mnt/user/VM-ISOs/en_winxp_pro_with_sp3.iso
    - VirtIO Drivers ISO:/mnt/user/VM-ISOs/virtio-win-0.1.141.iso (obtained from https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/quick-docs/creating-windows-virtual-machines-using-virtio-drivers/) 
    - Primary vDisk Bus: IDE (needed to get past the error: "Setup did not find any hard disk drives installed in your computer")


    Good luck!

    • Upvote 1
  13. How to I set the VPN username/password?


    Currently getting this in log:

    Mon Apr 2 10:45:14 2018 neither stdin nor stderr are a tty device and you have neither a controlling tty nor systemd - can't ask for 'Enter Auth Username:'. If you used --daemon, you need to use --askpass to make passphrase-protected keys work, and you can not use --auth-nocache.
    Mon Apr 2 10:45:14 2018 Exiting due to fatal error


  14. Enhancement Request for "Clear An unRaid Data Drive" script.


    I executed this script via the command line rather than the User.Scripts plugin.

    It would be good if the script accepted an argument to specify the disk to clear. It can still work the same if no argument present, but if the argument is there - simply check that drive only.

    I had 13 drives in my array and wanted to clear the last one. I was forced to wait for ages while it checked all other drives before getting to the one I wanted to actually clear.


    Thanks :)


  15. I just installed this plugin for the first time and I get the following error on the Settings page:

    Warning: file_get_contents(/boot/config/smb-extra.conf): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/include/DefaultPageLayout.php(292) : eval()'d code on line 16

  16. Well it has taken me all day, 2 different usb drives and 3 different motherboards later, but I finally got there.

    I couldn't perform the flash procedure on my original motherboard (as previously stated - it would not boot with the card installed) so I had to use a different motherboard. I had 2 others that had pci-e slots.  One of my motherboards (much newer than my original motherboard mind you) didn't like my usb drive because it was a "freebie" with a cdfs partition on it and wouldn't boot so I had to dig around for another usb. Once I found another usb that worked, 1 motherboard gave me the "Failed to initialize PAL" error, and the other I needed to use the efi method - which eventually worked. Simply re-running just the flash command without the bios option did not work as I believe this doesn't clear the bios. I needed to run the full procedure (starting with the megarec commands) and then do the flash without the bios. All the frustration finally paid off and it is now working with unraid. Thanks again BetaQuasi for your collection of utilities and documentation.



  17. Hi BetaQuasi, thanks for your info. I have followed your "M1015 -> 9211-IT" instructions and everything appeared to be successful,  however on boot it lists my connected hard drives and the following message and then the system hangs:

    LSI Corporation MPT2 boot ROM successfully installed!

    I can't even get into the motherboard BIOS anymore (with the card installed). When I try to get into the motherboard bios, I get the same message for a brief second and then the screen goes black. Any ideas? Could it be a motherboard incompatibility? I have an old motherboard - Gigabyte GA-8I915G-MFD.



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