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Everything posted by rocketcoder

  1. I did not get an error, but it still didn't run. I think it is because it keeps adding back in environment variables for the Raspberry Pi. When I remove them it runs no problem. Why is it adding in removed variables?
  2. Hello all, I'm encountering an error with Jellyfin. I updated the container this morning and now the container won't start. This happened before and I rebuilt the container. So it seems to be happening every time Jellyfin gets updated. There is no log for the container and the error is very vague. How do I figure out what is going on or how to fix it? Thanks!
  3. It's the LinuxServer container for Deluge. Thanks for your help. I ended up switching to Transmission and it is working just fine.
  4. I am having an issue with this container. I am getting a permission denied on the status of a download. I have done the part where you need to change from /root/Downloads to /downloads. However, I am still getting the error. drwxrwxrwx 1 abc users 6 Apr 14 16:54 downloads This is the permission of the downloads folder inside the container. Did I set something up wrong? I mostly accepted the defaults.
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