Hugo Martins

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Everything posted by Hugo Martins

  1. Workaround for "swapon failed: invalid argument" #!/bin/bash # ##################################### # Script: Swap Creator v1.1 # Description: Creates swap file on cache to reduce RAM usage # Author: Marc Gutt # edited by: Hugo Martins # ######### Settings ################## swapfile='/mnt/cache/swapfile' swapfile_size=6G # ##################################### # # ######### Script #################### # make script race condition safe if [[ -d "/tmp/${0///}" ]] || ! mkdir "/tmp/${0///}"; then exit 1; fi; trap 'rmdir "/tmp/${0///}"' EXIT; # create swap file if ! [ -f "$swapfile" ]; then #fallocate -l "$swapfile_size" "$swapfile" truncate -s 0 "$swapfile" chattr +C "$swapfile" btrfs property set "$swapfile" compression none dd if=/dev/zero of="$swapfile" bs=1M count=6144 status=progress chmod 600 "$swapfile" mkswap "$swapfile" echo "Swap file created" else echo "Swap file already exists" fi # enable swap if [[ $(swapon --show) == *"${swapfile}"* ]]; then echo "Swap is already enabled" else swapon "$swapfile" echo "Swap has been enabled" echo "Finally, edit the fstab configuration to add an entry for the swap file:" echo "nano /etc/fstab" echo "to add" echo "/swapfile none swap defaults 0 0" fi After running: total used free shared buff/cache available Mem: 15Gi 5.0Gi 409Mi 1.0Gi 10Gi 9.3Gi Swap: 6.0Gi 16Mi 6.0Gi