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Everything posted by geek_diruendis

  1. Snap. That may be the problem. it's aarch64. Sorry to waste your time. But the rest of it works great! Thank you for you dedication on these projects!
  2. I'm sooo sorry! I thought the screenshot provide would've given you that data. Maybe it didn't properly post. Anyways, I installed with: mkdir /home/geek_diruendis/firefox docker run --name Firefox -d \ -p 8080:8080 \ --env 'FIREFOX_V=latest' \ --env 'FIREFOX_LANG=en-US' \ --env 'CUSTOM_RES_W=1280' \ --env 'CUSTOM_RES_H=768' \ --env 'UID=99' \ --env 'GID=100' \ --env 'UMASK=000' \ --env 'DATA_PERM=770' \ --volume /home/geek_diruendis/firefox:/firefox \ ich777/firefox (i've also tried swapping UID & GID for PUID & PGID to both = 1000, because I've found my other containers work better with that in the past.) Then, I opened the FireFox-specific container's terminal (via from the web interface), then typed and got the following: root@c7a6e9c08385:/# su $USER firefox@c7a6e9c08385:/$ vncpasswd bash: vncpasswd: command not found firefox@c7a6e9c08385:/$ exit exit root@c7a6e9c08385:/# vncpasswd bash: vncpasswd: command not found root@c7a6e9c08385:/#
  3. Hi! Thank you so much for your work on all of these. I pulled the FireFox image today, and am very impressed! I love it! Now, I'm trying to follow the above-quoted steps to password-secure the FireFox service. However, at step 2 I'm receiving a bash: vncpasswd: command not found Are there any hints anyone can provide? Are there any preliminary instructions/documentation that I've missed? Thank you!