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  1. Hi, do in need to wait until i see plots which i can plot until the system is synced? Or can i start before? I see only an empt List in the Plots and the Log says "Your harvester appears to be offline! No events for the past 11128 seconds." Ca you give me a hint here? BTW: great Docker. Thanks so much ***Edit*** Found out - just wanted to share my solution: Looked in the plotman logs to find out whats wrong. Installed Nano to view the logs in the docker container. Then saw, that bitfield is not supported with my cpu. Editet the plotman.yaml and put the variable e = true. Also the paths to plotiing and plots was wrong - puttedt them to mnt/plots/ and mnt/plotting/ (and created that mountpoints) Then restartet the plotman - and then some plots showed up. M suggestion is to have the opportunity to see the errors in the logs directly in the ui to find it easier. Hope maybe that will help somebody else then myself