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Everything posted by salotz

  1. Nothing wrong with your container but if you use the default path in syncthing itself for adding folders to it will be at '~' AKA '/home/nobody' and will save the data into the container image and fill up the docker.img really quickly. I suggest changing the defaults such that the default path's line up with the mount to the host FS (whether that is making the default be `/home/nobody` instead of `/media` or changing the syncthing config). I in the end not a big deal to someone who knows what they are doing, but did take me some time to figure out as I was hoping defaults would have sane behavior and I wouldn't have to fiddle. Thanks for making this For newbs that are trying to get this to work, run the docker with default settings then change this in syncthing and make sure if you manually specify patsh you use something that starts with `/media`.