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Everything posted by CoolTNT

  1. @mgutt Found an issue when backing up to an NTFS-formatted unassigned disk: Since NTFS is not aware of Linux permissions/users/groups, rsync thinks that the files are different even if they are the same because the NTFS permissions on the backed up files don't match the Linux permissions. In order to fix this and avoid duplicating all files, I had to add these arguments to rsync: # create incremental backup if [[ -n "${last_backup}" ]]; then echo "Create incremental backup ${new_backup} by using last backup ${last_backup}" rsync -av --no-perms --no-owner --no-group --modify-window=5 --progress --stats --delete --link-dest="${backup_path}/${last_backup}" "${source_path}" "${backup_path}/.${new_backup}" else echo "Create full backup ${new_backup}" # create very first backup rsync -av --no-perms --no-owner --no-group --stats "${source_path}" "${backup_path}/.${new_backup}" fi Perhaps consider adding these arguments to your script? I don't think ownership/permissions checks would ever be needed for UnRAID backups, since everything should be owned by nobody/users anyways.