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About VRx

  • Birthday November 30


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  1. Here is docs which I used with testing configuration. https://docs.baculasystems.com/BEDedicatedBackupSolutions/StorageBackend/cloud/cloud-backup.html#cloud-accounts You must do like a ceph endpoint in the exapmle. I've found somewere that for other cloud storage than amazon You must use: UriStyle = Path Default is Virtualhost.
  2. Yes it is different, I can find manual if You need, I found it previous for testing, but I'm not using cloud backup. I must test it one more time. I thought I had already improved it
  3. What data? Zabbix is monitoring system which needs minimum three parts: zabbix-server - to put it simply: it collects data zabbix-webinterface - is responsible for the ability to display data in the browser zabbix-agent - must be installed on the host from which it collects monitoring data and sends it to zabbix-server (active or passive) it depends on what data you want to monitor, templates are related to the operating system, application or other parameters that can be collected and monitored
  4. Today's image have amazon cloud driver added.
  5. @murkus There is a bug while compilation Amazon Cloud Driver plugin building Bacula from src. I've made an issue for Bacula developers.
  6. @murkus thanks for feedback. Yes, the cloud/s3 driver is not working yet Due to the version change and potentially reported problems, I wanted to stabilize this version. I would like to launch the cloud/s3 driver as soon as possible, but at the moment it is difficult to promise a specific date.
  7. @trashit You must set "cache disks" path were You have mounted cache on Unraid, for example if You have /mnt/cache1234 You must set /mnt/cache1234 Container path can remain unchanged, but You must set at Zabbix Web what You want to monitor as container path, not Unraid path. Monitoring physical disks is tricki, You could mount /proc/diskstats to the container as new "virtual" path, and then prepare Zabbix to monitor diskstats from mounted file instead default /proc/diskstats (by default it will be diskstats from container, not Unraid)
  8. I don't understand what @RBK-Serwer wants to tell. @RBK-Serwer could You please make a thread on Polish Support Forum? https://forums.unraid.net/forum/82-polish-polski/
  9. @Sinister Crayon@professeurx did You create database and database user before You installed Bacula-Server? I've checked on my lab and everything working ok. I've checked postgresql13 postgresql14 and postgresql15 (clean install) That was about curl-101 error with sqlite3 version, but could also happend in postgresql version. Not everything should work in the contenerized version. If you are aware of containerization, you probably know that its purpose is not to run multiple applications within one container and it should not be done. This is necessary here because Unraid out of the box does not support docker-compose. For the same reason, I did not include the Postgres database server in the image like most developers, and for a similar reason it has not been possible to use the MySQL database for a long time. Bacula is a large harvester and should not be run in a container, if it were fully supported Bacula developers would have released images for this purpose long ago. This solution was created for my own needs of backing up data from Unraid virtual machines and several raspberrypi. It was also an alpha project before implementing Bacula Web and later Bacularis in my production environment at work, moreover, it was also my professional development project, for my own satisfaction, and since I put some work into it I felt like sharing it, as you can see, I shared the code on github to which I shared a link, if you want to develop it, please go ahead. For myself and the needs of my Unraid Server, I would run bacula in Docker without UI, because I don't need it, it introduces unnecessary chaos in the configuration files. Of course, you can share ssh, move all configuration files outside the container, only then 90% of people can mess up more and expect help. Just like 90% of users will use 10% of this application's capabilities. What you may want to achieve with this image should be achieved by installing Bacula Server at least in a virtual machine, because then people are surprised that a some process has crashed.
  10. You are doing something that containerization is not intended for. If you need to extend the image with additional functionalities, use the image as a source, install packages, configure and thus use a new image, or use the image creation code and modify it to suit your needs, the image code is published by me on github. Additionally, by modifying the API settings, you may corrupt your copy of the image and require help later (when creating the image, I cannot predict what you will modify, and after updating the image, your settings may be overwritten). Did you provide the ip or hostname by entering DB_Host in the Bacula-Server parameters? Found my mistake, it will be resolved at the next image update. Thanks for the feedback
  11. I don't know what are You talking about. What You put before installing bacula? If You choose postgresql version, You need only to create database user and database in postgresql container/server, If You choose sqlite3 You do not need to do anything exept run bacula container. You must remember that if you tried to install the postgresql version and then want to install the sqlite version, I recommend clearing the paths on the unraid disk where the configuration files are installed. The container installed from scratch updates all passwords - user data, this was tested before releasing a new version of the image. If you want to connect the client to bacula, all you need to do is install the bacula client on the machine that is to be the client, usually called bacula-fd, and then add a new client in the WebUI Bacula-Server. Where do You install client, what are You talking about? What API deploying? What did You tried to do? You do not need to install any API on target machine. You need only bacula-fd. Everything You could configure from Bacule-Server WebUI panel. The exception is the backup of all types of databases, which requires writing a script on the client machine that will dump the database and Bacula will save the dump. The second option is to create remote access to the database and perform the dump from the Bacula server.
  12. Google translate @JonathanM i don't know if there is anybody who can help about bacula image. @professeurx did You update from previous version or this was new installation? Which postgresql server version did You use?
  13. which version did You use? postgresql vs sqlite3 and 11 or 13 maybe 15 ?
  14. You can check if docker is showing unhealthy status and try this kill $(pidof php-fpm7.4) $(pidof apache2) Bacula15 will be available within 1 hour (without s3/amazon plugin yes) There is a problem with s3 plugin and AWS plugin need some additional work. postgresql13 or above is needed for Bacula15 postgresql edition.
  15. @murkus sorry for the delay in replying. There are some known problems with compilation bacula v13.0.4 with S3 driver. Bacula released version 15.x Added Amazon Cloud driver (in replacement of libS3 cloud driver). After the first tests, it doesn't need many changes, but I still want to test the update process to avoid possible problems. Please be patient for a moment
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