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Posts posted by Puregreen59

  1. On 10/31/2022 at 11:34 PM, 007craft said:


     I tried switching to using Jitsi meet on the unraid docker templates instead of docker compose.  I used all 4 containers and got it mostly setup, but alas it doesn't work.  Here are my configs. 
    I get it all working but the problem is the video bridge.  It just has errors and then when users join the meeting everybody else just appears muted and cant see webcams to one another.  We need somebody who knows what their doing to give us the settings they used for the jitsi JVB container (the Jitsi video bridge)


    Did either of you figure this out? having the same problem.

  2. On 2/3/2021 at 12:48 PM, DrBobke said:


    I have watched another movie : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RrWOEYldTdk  on passing through an nvme drive, but it is stated that the option is obsolete for some reason (I read evertyhing, but I am not sure where I would have to put certain things).  Seems That others are having the same issues, though the thread is not answerred anymore..


    I have also followed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xsuRFeyqbt4

    and made a new VM, it seems it does work to pass through and I am a happy camper, being able to boot from the NVMe drive.  However, I did notice that I couldn't see my HDD's anymore, which house my Photo files.  So I shut it down, and added the HDD's into the mix (still using the /dev/sdc, and /dev/sdg, as nobody seems to be able to explain why the /by-id/ doesn't work for me... I have also tried "manual Vdisk Location" as /mnt/disks/HDD_Photos_Work/ (I changed the name of the HDD, so it's easier to see which is which)., but then the VMS edit tab keeps on "updating...", So I need to go out and change the settings again..

    When I do this, I can see in VNC Remote that it is trying to boot from the HDD, not the Nvme anymore :image.thumb.png.11d62f990a63ee7db527a4599d22f3fa.png


    When I try to edit the VM, I see that Primary vdisk location is no longer set to "none", but it set to one of the HDD's. As the NVMe is passed through, I can't see it anywhere.

    What I did forget to mention before - is that I had to make the VM using SeaBios, as I was getting errors when using OVMF.  I also tried doing this on the new VM I was making, but that didn't work and I was taken to a command shell.

    PLEASE can someone check this, as I have been looking around, reading everything that seemed relevant for days now, and no closer to solving my issue... 




    Silly Question but you are remembering to put ata-YOURDRIVEID


    because I've just made the same mistake, I only realised my mistake when i tried to navigate there using cd /dev/disk/by-id/ in terminal and making sure it was there, to only remember that all the drives have ata- before the id's



  3. okay so im still having trouble with with mover. i've currently almost finished migrating to unraid, and ive set up my lists on radarr and theres quite a back log off movies, a good tb or 2, that need to be downloaded un-rared, recoded to h265 via Tdarr while on the cache drive then move to the array, but what's holding me up now is this mover problem.


    if anyone can shed some light on more commands or something im missing please enlighten me. im lost and a bit frustrated because i know what happens next,


    from here im gunna get bored of waiting for seemingly nothing, im going to try and reboot unraid, that's gunna take forever, possibly fail, but if it doesn't fail its going to reboot and tell me it detected a unclean shutdown. then i've got a 50/50% chance its gunna work perfectly fine and move everything like nothing was wrong. i really need some in-sight to whats going on here.


    hopefully this helps show what i see my side as well as logs.. 



  4. So I just experienced a scary moment, I noticed a few days ago that plex was having trouble on some of my Clients to play certain movies.


    today i put some time aside to go through and update everything and make sure things where OK


    i noticed that next cloud would not come back up, couldn't access its page, and restarting didn't help, and I noticed that 3 or 4 of my cores where pegged at 100% while the rest where within normal range so went over to docker to see that nothing was really using more that a 1% and even then it was maybe 1 container.


    so i went over to the terminal to run top, i found qemu-system-x86 running with between 40 - 50% i watched this for a good few minutes with the same behaviour, doing a google would suggest this is to do with my windows 10 virtual machine, so i shut it down, and the same behaviour was happening, i confirmed the machine was shutdown at least from a trying to connect to it standpoint, and I couldn't remote in.


    at this point im thinking, lets do the age old trick of rebooting, so i try to reboot though the GUI and nothing, so next on to the terminal with shutdown now -r nothing, just locks up that terminal, after waiting 30 seconds or so i close it out and open a new terminal and try again, nothing


    So I figure ill try and help it along, so i stop docker in the docker settings and try again, and bingo, starts rebooting, after a good 5 mins the gui doesn't come back, so i putty in and run top and everything shows as 0% cpu 0% ram ect ect, i wait a good 5 more mins just incase, not wanting to do any unnecessary damage incase its doing something!??!


    anndddd nothing, so im getting very worried at this point, wondering if i have some hardware failure or something, im left with no choice but to reboot it again, and yet again its refusing. so i move to bare metal keyboard mouse, screen right to unraid and try a shutdown now -r and same problem! 


    so next i try Alt-control-del, after a good minute i try again this time it seams to suggest its running this as "console" (forgive my bad memory but a lot has happened and im pretty stressed out about it XD lol!! ) 


    and Wala! it finaly rebooted, AND came back online normally! 


    Everything seems to be working, plex is now functioning normally as is next cloud and everything else. its almost like nothing happened. apart from something Deffinitly happened and i dont know what!


    with plex the strange thing seamed to be that only titles that needed to be transcoded where giving me Jip, but then you would move on to another title that also needed transcoding and it was fine..!?..  


    anyone had a similar issue?..


    attached logs in hopes it helps.


    Cheers guys.


  5. I can confirm that I have all my dockers and VM currently running, and downloading on sabnzbd, mover isn't running and nothing appears to be accessing the drives to write, as i would expect.


    and i have a parity check running again with Expected speeds. on the next cache fill up ill invoke mover Manually and see if i get the same behaviour

  6. wait hold on hold on, 


    i found a script on the forum for auto mover at a user defined Percentage, is that perhaps messing things up.


    because now I think about it, i think its every time ITS ran to empty out the cache that this happens.


    Also I noticed that no where in the script mentions turbo write, will it just use the default turbo write that is turned on in disk settings, or do I need to define it in this script, and if so how would i add it?





    $moveAt = 68;    # Adjust this value to suit.

    $diskTotal = disk_total_space("/mnt/cache");
    $diskFree = disk_free_space("/mnt/cache");
    $percent = ($diskTotal - $diskFree) / $diskTotal * 100;

    if ( $percent > $moveAt ) {



    Thanks for your help guys, i know it must be frustrating to help along us noobs 

  7. so just a update, i noticed that stopping all my dockers didn't do it today, then i remembered that i have a VM ill just add that System, iso's and domain are all cache ONLY so they shouldn't have been writing to the array and have confirmed they is none of them shares on the Disk1, Dist2 ect ect.


    its all on cache where i expect it to be, any ideas on this weird behaviour? 


    could it be the cache drive?.. i don't know its really strange.. i mean its a old nvme ssd but it should still be WAY good enough to at the very least be able to do more than 5mb's while its running a VM that's idle? i feel like its not that, i feel like something strange, either something that's normal with unraid i don't know about, or something bugging out.


    some background specs, 

    asus tuff x570 plus

    ryzen 3900X

    32gb ram

    IBM ServeRAID M5110 flashed in IT mode (LSI SAS2308)

    the Cache drive is a Samsung 950 PRO 512gb (BTFS)

    5 x 8tb Seagate baracuda SMR (5400 i think? all shucked, one of these is my parity drive)

    1 x 6tb Seagate baracuda SMR (5400 i think? also shucked)

    Nvidia 1080 

  8. 6 minutes ago, ChatNoir said:

    I suppose at least one drive or controller is not behaving correctly.


    Your diagnostics during the check might show something.

    well i hope you know more than the uninitiated that i am  Haha! i paused the parity check to try and get to the bottom of it, but on the assumption that the log has info from this morning when i work up maybe there's something interesting in this one.


  9. OK so i seem to have found Turbo write on the forum.. 😅 and doing some reading that would point to why its reading and writing like it is..? im currently letting it do its long overdue parity cheak to make sure everything is OK after its mishaps.


    i had noticed evan in parity cheak it was going SLOWW, appon enabling turbo write, it went up to 40mb's and slowly up to 160 at top end, and bounces around betweenn 40 - 140mb's


    can someone just comfirm everything looks normal there end?


    i guess i never saw this problem till now because i've only just got everything back online, as in bringing up sabnzbd sonnar, radarr and lidarr. im assuming the cure to this would be a bigger cache drive so then I wouldn't be forced to empty out my 500gb (375gb after cache only's) like 8 times in one day 


    Thank you for pointing that out Trurl


    righhttt! Cache  ONLY is what i want for system your very right! 


    i've got a few others on cache just to speed up acsess over network while i was filling them up to be honest, i do need to go over them with a fine toothpick really.

  10. so im very new to unraid/linux


    and ive been having having fun setting everything up, i recently added a NVME drive to help with Sabnzbd and overall system response, for the most part its been good, but today i've had some strange behavour where mover seems to either get stuck or Moves VERY slowly from the cache drive to the array, while its moving from the cache drive to the array it seems to Write at lets say 5mb to drive 4, but it also reads from drive 4 at 5mb and read and writes the same to parity, from my experience so far with unraid, that seams strange/odd, ive had to restart (uncleanly ill add) twice now one of witch took ssh'ing to force a reboot as it seemed stuck


    could any one shine some light on what could be happening?

    unraid- strangeness.png


  11. hi guys, wondering if anyone could Confirm if this is normal or not,


    i have 14 tabs now, of which I have all 14 of them pinging, but with it set at 10 second updates or lower it causes the CPU to peg out under the SHFS process under top.


    I've set this to 1 minute now because at one point caused a unresponsive server, I mean I know there's a few, but I would expect this type of behaviour from a couple of hundred but perhaps this is just normal? 


    some side notes, I can get it to stop pegging out the CPU when I close Organizr under my browser, so I'm assuming it just doesn't send pings while no ones on the page which makes a bit of sense as there's no point really,


  12. 1 minute ago, Puregreen59 said:

    I'm having a little bit a trouble with bit warden, I've managed to make my own account, and invite a family member, all good.


    I've also made a organisation and added them, they have accepted it, and I'm at the last step of confirming them, when I click them, go to the cog, and choose confirm selected, I'm blessed with the never loading page, am i missing something?





    Also little update, just tried to delete the user from the orgination and it gave me this error 




    so its now also occurred to me i haven't given you much background, im running it behind Swag and so far everything else works as intended

  13. I'm having a little bit a trouble with bit warden, I've managed to make my own account, and invite a family member, all good.


    I've also made a organisation and added them, they have accepted it, and I'm at the last step of confirming them, when I click them, go to the cog, and choose confirm selected, I'm blessed with the never loading page, am i missing something?




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