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Everything posted by datun1c0rn

  1. Hi there, is there a way to edit the config file for the plugin by hand? I want prevent some containers to be powered down that are spawned by a custom script. Another question would be if there is a way to backup the plugin settings?
  2. somehow i can't run any shellscript as the root user via console.
  3. docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/data -e RESTIC_REPOSITORY=s3:s3.amazonaws.com/bucket_name -e RESTIC_PASSWORD=my-secure-password -e AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=my-aws-access-key -e AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=my-aws-secret-key instrumentisto/restic backup /data thats the example call for the restic container. I just changed the needed parameters. The script just contains these calls with different folders. when i run the shell script this happens: root@nas:/mnt/user/myscripts/resticNasBackup# ./resticBackuphtpc.sh does not exist, skipping Fatal: all target directories/files do not exist does not exist, skipping ... it looks like the when the script is executed the target vars are not set properly. i don't understand why. if i copy and paste a single docker run call from the script to the console it is running, no issue. root@nas:~# docker run --rm -v /mnt/user/fotos:/fotos -e RESTIC_REPOSITORY=s3: -e RESTIC_PASSWORD= -e AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID= -e AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY= instrumentisto/restic --verbose backup /fotos open repository created new cache in /root/.cache/restic lock repository load index files start scan on [/fotos] start backup on [/fotos]
  4. Hi there, i want to do my backups with restic and rsync. So i setup a shell script that starts the container and does the backup. But the docker run commands are not running properly when called by the script. It looks like there is some issue with variables given to the computer. if i copy&paste them to the command line everything works. maybe someone can point my in the right direction to fix that problem.
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