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Silhouette UK

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Posts posted by Silhouette UK

  1. Hi All,

    My server stopped responding on the network, I could not access the system at all!

    I rebooted the server to try to reset it and all I got was "kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init! exitcode=0x00000009

    I have used a backup from my servers to replace the USB drive but the error is still occurring!

    I am a relative newbie to servers and Unraid so any help would be most appreciated :)




  2. Hi guys,

    I already have my Unraid server up and running and I’m using it for Plex and Shinobi at the moment.

    I have just acquired these from EBay:-

    PowerEdge R410, Intel XEON E5603 1.6 GHz, 8GB RAM, No HDD

    PowerEdge R710, (x2) Intel XEON E5640 2.66GHz, 48GB RAM, No HDD

    PowerVault MD3200i, No HDD

    I will be collecting them Friday and hope to build a better server and storage facility than my current Dell T5810.

    Has anyone used the MD3200i with unraid?




  3. Hi guys, I'm after some guidance please!

    I have been trying to set up my server for the past couple of weeks.

    Unraid was set up and working fine and I was setting up Plex in a Docker (the Plex own) and having a few issues.

    My Utility company changed my meters this morning and we had power off for a while, on return of power my router was not operating properly or allowing connections! I factory reset the router and it is now ok and working, but now I cannot access my server :(

    via my servers won't connect and I get a blank screen with a cursor when I try GUI mode on boot up!

    So at this moment in time I have a box of electronics that is useless.


    Any help would be very gratefully received :)



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