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Everything posted by Gamberz

  1. That is really cool. Don't know how I haven't heard of it but will definitely come in handy.
  2. Anybody else have issues with this container starting on boot? Every other container is fine, just this one. I just restarted for example, and it doesn't even say it tried to start it and it exited or anything.
  3. Thanks, got it working. Was able to open the corrupted one in an sqlite browser alright. Backed up the corrupted file, reloaded the plugin and then inserted the old data into the new db.
  4. Been using this fine for a few days, but did a few restarts today and now I'm getting [2021-09-01 08:48:08.411 UTC-7] [INFO] Connected to database [2021-09-01 08:48:08.412 UTC-7] [INFO] Starting model synchronization [2021-09-01 08:48:09.261 UTC-7] [ERROR] Unable to connect to the database: Validation error I presume something has been corrupted. I don't have any backups, is there any steps to try and recover it, or is something else the issue?
  5. Thanks for the suggestion. I ended up modifying the config.v2.json for the container and was able to get it working, this is a bit more dynamic which is good. Here's the source incase anybody else finds it useful. I'd like to make it work with multiple VMs at once, but this is fine for the moment. #!/bin/bash CONTAINER_NAME="aio-miner" CONTAINER_ID=$(docker inspect --format="{{.Id}}" $CONTAINER_NAME) INPUT_VM=$1 INPUT_EVENT=$2 update_container() { local devices="$(echo "$1" | cut -d, -f"2" | xargs | sed -e 's/ /,/g')" local devices_escaped="$(echo $devices | sed 's/\-/\\-/g')" echo "cd /Container/Config[@Name='NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] set $devices cd /Container/Environment/Variable[2]/Value set $devices save" | xmllint --shell /boot/config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user/my-$CONTAINER_NAME.xml docker stop $CONTAINER_ID sed -i "s/\"NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=[A-Za-z0-9,\-]*\"/\"NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=$devices_escaped\"/g" /var/lib/docker/containers/$CONTAINER_ID/config.v2.json /etc/rc.d/rc.docker restart } get_vm_buses() { local buses="" while read -r bus; do bus=${bus#*'"'}; bus=${bus%'"'*} buses+="$bus|" done <<< $(xmllint --xpath '//domain/devices/hostdev[@type="pci"]/source/address/@bus' --nowarning /etc/libvirt/qemu/$INPUT_VM.xml | sort | uniq) echo "${buses%?}" } if [[ "$INPUT_EVENT" == "prepare" ]]; then buses="$(get_vm_buses)" if [ -z "$buses" ]; then exit 0 fi devices="$(nvidia-smi --query-gpu="pci.bus,uuid" --format=csv,noheader | grep -Ev "$buses")" update_container "$devices" fi if [[ "$INPUT_EVENT" == "release" ]]; then buses="$(get_vm_buses)" if [ -z "$buses" ]; then exit 0 fi devices="$(nvidia-smi --query-gpu="pci.bus,uuid" --format=csv,noheader)" update_container "$devices" fi (sleep 30s && nvidia-smi -pl 280) &
  6. Hey so I got the hook working thanks to your file. I'm stuck on actually restarting the docker container with the new config though, if you have any suggestions. I'm updating the template config here /boot/config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user/my-miner.xml The changes seem to get reflected in the dashboard. If I simply restart the container though, the changes obviously don't take affect. Only if I modify another config option and apply it in the dashboard does it take effect. I could technically stop, delete and start manually like /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name='miner' --net='bridge' --cpuset-cpus='0' -e TZ="America/Los_Angeles" -e HOST_OS="Unraid" -e 'NVIDIA_DRIVER_CAPABILITIES'='all' -e 'NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'='REDACTED' -l net.unraid.docker.managed=dockerman --runtime=nvidia REDACTED_IMAGE REDACTED_ARGS But I'd like to avoid that, with all the params I'd need to fetch and the fact it could break at some point. My other idea was to trigger the API call But that's also not as clean as I would like. Do you know if there's a way to trigger a container to recreate itself? EDIT: I'm going to try updating /var/lib/docker/containers/containerid/config.v2.json and restarting the container. If you've any other suggestions though that'd be great.
  7. That's exactly what I needed, thanks a million! I've upgraded to 6.10 and am testing out the method in your install.sh file.
  8. I'd like to create a plugin that monitors VM start/stop events and then changes the allocated GPUs on a docker container. I haven't done any plugins in Unraid yet, but I've been looking through the community apps to see if there's a plugin that might be monitoring VM events. I haven't found any, but if anybody knows of any or how to monitor when a VM is started, please share. The reason I'm doing this is that I would like to mine crypto in a docker container while no VMs are in use, and manually resizing the container each time I start/stop a VM is quite annoying. Any pointers or links to plugins that implement some of these features that I can learn off would be really helpful. Thanks.
  9. Having a lot of issues getting this working if anybody could help. Once enabled (as "host" network), my other containers on "bridge" network don't have internet access. If under "host" they're fine. They don't respond to ping requests to IPs, so not a DNS issue. When I first installed the plugin I had to change my unraid DNS settings because once the tailscale container is running, I can't access local addresses and DNS requests were failing. I finally got that fixed, and I can ping domains from the host now, but other containers can't. I've tried enabling "preserve custom networks" and "Host access to custom networks" but no joy.
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