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Posts posted by EdwinZelf

  1. Just noticed my Unifi DHCP is complaing about a duplicate IP address.

    When looking at ip a on my server, I see its IP twice listed:

    12: shim-br0@br0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UP group default qlen 1000
        link/ether 56:87:88:2c:2a:07 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
        inet scope global shim-br0
           valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
        inet6 fd01:86af:55ec:40d9:5487:88ff:fe2c:2a07/64 scope global dynamic mngtmpaddr
           valid_lft 1654sec preferred_lft 1654sec
        inet6 fe80::5487:88ff:fe2c:2a07/64 scope link


    8: br0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UP group default qlen 1000
        link/ether 00:0a:cd:3e:64:a4 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
        inet scope global br0
           valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever


    My docker settings are like this:



    Routing table:



    Why does the shim-br0 use the same IP as the host itself?

  2. The old version of unmanic only picked up files my extension.
    This one, the plugins detect the mimetype from the extension to decide what it is.

    It may be worh looking into why a m4v file is not detectable and not considered a video by python... Is it officially a video file?

    Yeps. I have many like these. Way back I used iFlicks to repack mkv to m4v. So iTunes could handle them.
    If I run ffmpeg -i '{}' -vcodec copy -acodec copy '{}.mkv' to change from m4v to mkv. Then unmanic has no issue.
    Manual ffmpeg detects meta data fine.
    Output for ffmpeg -i Ant-Man.m4v -f ffmetadata in.txt is here https://pastebin.com/mvpCCMqW
  3. Yea, there is log entries for each file with debugging enabled.

    If the m4v file is already h265, it will be ignored with that config.

    Omg. Ashamed now. Completely missed the m4v error. Sorry about that.
    I am pretty sure the same container files did get processed by the old unmanic.
    Not sure why it has difficulty fetching the mime type.
    I’ll check later if cpu encoding plug-in gives the same error.
  4. I don't have any m4v files. So can't test anything for you, but I can say that I'm confident you are missing something smile.png.

    Unmanic does not skip any files. It scans everything unless configured not to.

    What plugins are you running?

    Just the basics [emoji854]
    And yes, m4v is included in the file extensions.
    I will try to run with out the extension plugin later today.
    Any log files a can look at to see why m4v does not get picked up? Have debug turned on, but no log entry on m4v.
  5. 14 minutes ago, Josh.5 said:

    Seems like you have configured the mover plugin to "Remove source files". Is that correct? Could you tell me how you have configured your "File Movement" plugins flow?


    I took a look at your log. I am not sure why the file was copied twice to '/library/movies/' ... That does not seem right. It should have been copied there only once.

    I'm still scared to let unmanic loose on my complete media folder. So I'm playing around and selecting manually what to let unmake have a go at.


    I manually move movie folder to: /mnt/user/media/unmanic/movie/ this is mounted to /library/movies.

    I added an extra mount mount point in the docker to /mnt/user/media mounted to /medialib.

    Last step I added because I'm happy with the results so far, and instead of manually move back converted folders, I gave 'Mover v2' a go.


    Should the mover plug in not make sure the converted file is moved only once from /tmp to the destination location? not copying to both /medialib/Movies/ and to /library/Movies (which from the log it seems to do twice)


    I have turned on the "Remove source files". So all the copies from /tmp to /library/Movies are unnecessary as they will be removed. 




    PS, just giving feedback on the plugin, when I let unmanic have access to my main media folder, I won't be using the mover plugin.




  6. I was playing with the mover plugin. Seems like the converted file is being copied from /tmp to both source location as to the mover location. Then both old and new file get removed from the source location.

    Seems like double the I/O / transfer. 


    And the folder in which the source was located is not removed. Would be nice to have.

  7. Love this plugin. 

    I searched this thread an other places, could not find my issue. Hope it's not asked and answered.


    I installed the folder plugin before deploying most of my containers. I played around with the order and put my db container way on top. As some containers depend on the DB, i put in a wait time on the db container. 

    Now I started using @Squid's great "Appdata Backup/Restore v2" plugin. I make a nightly backup and noticed every morning some containers depending on the DB failed. Looking closely, the backup plugin did not follow the order I had set.

    some digging later, I discovered my /var/lib/docker/unraid-autostart was completely different then my order in my docker.folder view.

    I removed the docker.folder plugin, reordered my containers in the standard view, which got me an updated /var/lib/docker/unraid-autostart. 

    After this I reinstalled the docker.folder plugin. Now the start of dockers after a backup follow my preferred order and wait times.


    Not sure if I should expect changing the order within docker.folder would change the /var/lib/docker/unraid-autostart.

  8. On 8/10/2021 at 1:22 PM, Djoss said:




    Can you confirm that only x265 is broken ?  Does the x264 QSV encoder work ?


    Also, can you try the debug version (by adding "-debug" to the image name) and provide the log again ?

    For me x264 QSV works fine (mixed GPU and CPU usage)

    x265 QSV fails with Failure to initialise thread 'Quick Sync Video encoder (Intel Media SDK).

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