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  1. I had the same Problem in my system(Msi motherboard; only one pci gpu) and I thought i should add my own two cents on how i solved it. As IJSaul stated the Problem surfaces when unraid is booting in Uefi mode. Why Is that? In Uefi boot the efifb driver gets loaded. It's purpose is to get your Display resolution so the video output is rightly scaled. Doing so the driver uses the gpu which leads to the 'device busy' error. You can also probably see that happening when you compare your System booting. In my case the driver detects my 4k screen and scales acording to that. So how can we get rid of it? 1. Either we go back to legacy boot and solve it that way. 2. Or we tell unraid to disable efifb at boot. This guy made a nice video about it. Please note that when doing that you can't see the unraid booting process on your display. And if you are using multiple gpu's I'm not sure If it hinders you using them in your dockers. Anyway have fun and a good Day!
  2. Hello guys, I hope you can help me with my Problem. After getting some Kernel Panic errors with my old boot drive I migrated to another USB. The Migration went well but The OS says that my encryption key for the Drives is wrong. I looked at some old Posts and there the Problem fixed itself after some reboots. I've been trying that but i only sometimes get ONE of my drives unlocked and working. When the one drive is unlocked the OS says that the Key is still wrong for the others. I have some Diagnostics for you captured while running safe mode. No drive working: One drive working Is there a File I can edit/delete on the USB so that it works again? I hope you can help me with this. Kind Regards Andreas
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