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  1. It lasted until Tuesday the 14th. Shut down on its on and restarted and froze. Attached are the logs. I took out the ram and ran the mem test on them individually. No errors. Ran a smart test no errors. Even after it freezes everything is running, fans, psu, etc. the system is just locked. And in the logs it doesn’t indicate anything happened. There’s no apparent cause, even when left alone it’ll reboot and freeze. Would pinning cpu cores cause a lockup? Or the configurations for IOMMU groups cause this instability. Some were made for my windows VM. But the issues began long after I stopped using the VM. (There’s no errors in the video-pci log) I will test hardware again but I’m waiting for a nas delivery to back everything up first. I can’t think of any reason why. I’m gonna start trying to recreate syslog-previous.txt syslog.txt
  2. Yes. It’ll reboot on its own. I’ve caught it doing so at least twice. And after its reboot, it’ll freeze. I won’t be aware of this until I notice it’s unresponsive. But the freezing does happen without the reboot. Right now it’s been up for 19hours. I haven’t done anything with it. Accessed now files, or played anything on Plex. But I expect it to lock up before tomorrow night. There is nothing running except for the Plex docker. My last adjustment may be to undo the changes made for my windows VM. but since that’s not running I don’t know if it’ll make a difference. this was all working fine until the OS update about a year ago.
  3. So, I hate reaching out for help but I’m desperate before completely starting from scratch. And I’m not a whiz, and this problem is persistent. This started about a year ago, after about a year of no problems. “BELOW ARE THE SYMPTOMS.” Unraid will boot, run for about 12 - 48 hours, reboot, and Lock up/freeze (no response no matter how you try connect). There have been no changes other than an update to the OS. Before and current status I have a Plex server and its supported dockers (deluge, radarr, sonarr)) which are all stopped. I’ve installed fix common problems. There’s no macvlan now. No errors save for the syslog saving. I ran memtest for a day. No errors. I cleaned all dust. Reseated everything. Added fans. but still it seems it’ll reboot after about 12 - 48 hours. And after the reboot itl’ll work for a while then completely lock up. any help is appreciated. im attaching the two last saved syslogs. They are the logs previous to the restart because it was a hard restart. syslog-previous.txt syslog-previous.txt
  4. So, I hate reaching out for help. And I’m not a whiz. But his problem is persistent. About a year ago, after about a year of no problems. “BELOW ARE THE SYMPTOMS.” Unraid will boot, run for about 12 - 24 hours, reboot, and Lock up/freeze (no response no matter how you try connect). There have been no changes. Before and current status I’ll mention is a Plex server and it’s supported dockers (deluge, radarr, sonarr)) which are all stopped. I’ve installed fix common problems. There’s no macvlan now. No errors save for the syslog saving. I ran memtest for a day. No errors. I cleaned all dust. Reseated everything. Added fans. but still it seems it’ll reboot after about 12 - 24 hours. And after the reboot itl’ll work for a while then completely lock up. any help is appreciated. Thank you truly for even reading. deylight-diagnostics-20240427-0258.zip deylight-diagnostics-20240430-0400.zip syslog-previous.txt syslog.txt syslog.txt syslog-previous.txt
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