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Everything posted by Gaoxing

  1. After shutting down and restarting the array, docker and libvirt cannot start the diagnostics are follow gx-unraid-diagnostics-20220328-1420.zip
  2. I deleted the files in the /boot/config/cerfits directory through sfp and found that I can now log in to the web interface, but I still have a problem, I don’t know if you know the solution, that is, I have installed the community.applications plugin but can’t open it apps option, The apps option is blank and the menu bar has no apps option
  3. I would like to ask what happened to the ssh connection but the webui interface cannot be opened after unraid restarts? You can see the ip of the unraid in the router, you can connect to the unraid through ssh software, but you cannot enter the webUI interface after entering the ip in the browser. How can I enter the webUI interface? the IP address the ssh connect
  4. 请问unraid重启之后可以ssh连接但是没法打开webui界面是怎么回事呢?路由器中可以看到unraid的ip,通过ssh软件可以连接到unraid 但是在浏览器输入ip后没法进去webUI界面,请问怎样才能进入webUI界面呢
  5. 谢谢,情况和您说的一样,以前确实是放在缓存池里面
  6. 我希望数据位于disk2中,请问我需要怎么操作呢
  7. 谢谢,我输入命令之后,显示如下的内容,我需要怎么设置才能让disk2作为阵列而不是缓存呢
  8. 我只设置了这几个文件夹是cash里面的,但是我在disk2中创建新的文件夹后咋cash里面页游公益而一样的文件夹
  9. 我的硬盘2和缓存盘都是256G NVME固态驱动器,分别插入主板的2个nvme插槽中。 我想使用其中一个作为缓存阵列的硬盘,另一个作为普通阵列硬盘,但是设置后,我的两个硬盘的内容完全相同,并且在阵列硬盘2中创建的文件夹将自动出现在缓存磁盘中。 其内容如下 磁盘2:现金:
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