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Everything posted by manrw

  1. Hi, thanks for the question. Using a VPN should be a viable solution with Soulseek - it is P2P after all. However, the trolls seem to be much less of a problem compared to Torrent. Ultimately, it's up to you if you want to use a VPN. You should also take into account that your VPN provider might not allow P2P for certain plans or prohibit it. Less reputable providers will also often keep logs and records of your traffic - so using a VPN doesn't necessarily "hide" you. Ensure, that you selected the network mode "none" in the dropdown and "--net=container:GluetunVPN" in the extra arguments. The log you posted indicates, that it can't connect to api.github.com nor to Soulseek. I'd suggest you to use ping, wget, curl different hostnames to check your connectivity. You can also try to use a different DNS server - like Quad9, Cloudflare or others that are less censored.
  2. Got it. Yes, it is possible. I'll adjust the template then... https://getdashdot.com/docs/config/features#dashdot_port It is not. Other Unraid templates have the same issue. Unraid templates are sadly complex enough to create such behaviour. However, I can add the option to configure the Dash. port.
  3. I assume you're talking about Dash.? 1. As mentioned by @JonathanM, Dash. will always run on the same goal. By using the bridge network mode, you can expose the traffic to a different port outside. Ensure that you've set bridge as network mode and check your port definition (https://github.com/manuel-rw/unraid-templates/blob/af4ed47281c724abf3f0c5358387d58276591e8c/templates/dashdot/dashdot.xml#L36) 2. This support thread is only for issues related to the Docker template. This sounds like an application related issue - therefore please report it to Dash. itself: https://github.com/MauriceNino/dashdot
  4. Hi, please report that to Dash. itself. That is not an issue of the template.
  5. Oh, so you executed the commands on your PC / Laptop instead of Unraid in your first message? If the Unraid machine can't ping the IP, it is pretty clear that something in your network is blocking access. Since this is not related to the template, it is likely that you'll have to figure it out yourself: - Is the IP being resolved from the FQDN the same on your Unraid as on your PC? If not that might be a problem. - Do you have VLans / conditional routing for your devices? - Do you have multiple subnets / DNS in your network?
  6. I think I'm not able to help you with the drives not spinning down. All I know is that modern drives don't need to spin down - this seems to be a relict from the past and modern drives can cope with it. Regarding the template update: Yes, that *should* fix the missing utilization. Please let me know if it does once the template has updated.
  7. Can you do the same from inside the container?
  8. Thanks for posting it. I updated the template and I think this should fix the issue you're having. Unraid Apps refreshes each few hours to the new templates - so please wait a few hours until it updated. To update please remove the entire container and create it again using the "Apps".
  9. Hi, thanks for the question. This looks to me like your ISP is blocking the request. Can you execute the following two commands and post the output here?
  10. Hi, thanks for the question. The current version of the template has this mounting point: https://github.com/manuel-rw/unraid-templates/blob/8dbfed6e4d30850456da3ec31f8d9f9cb0d32b5e/templates/dashdot/dashdot.xml#L37 Do you maybe run an older version of the template? If you don't mind, can you post a screenshot of your mount points here?
  11. You can use a proxy to forward HTTPS requests to the HTTP Dash. Or you could both downgrade them to HTTP as well. You just need to avoid mixing them up - that won't work. You need to do this outside of Homarr and Dash.. So it's unlikely that I can help you with your exact setup.
  12. Thanks for letting me know. Updated: https://github.com/manuel-rw/unraid-templates/pull/8
  13. But it will not update the icon from the template repository? So everyone that uses the old template has to update it manually?
  14. Hi, the support in this thread has been discontinued, because the original maintainer did not wish to continue providing support for Unraid Apps. The solution has been posted in the new thread: Can you let me know, if this fixes it for you? Did the incorrect Icon prevent you from starting Homarr?
  15. Sorry for the late response. Yes, that is the correct way of fixing it. Did it prevent you from starting the container, when it was invalid? @Squid what are the proper procedures to update outdated icon URLs?
  16. Information to all participants in this conversation & new users: The original author has moved their template to a repository maintained by the official developers. Therefore, all future support requests must be posted in the appropriate new thread. Thank you for your understanding!
  17. Hi, I don't have a fixed release schedule. If there are enough changes, I'll make a new release. You can see all releases (including source code) here: https://github.com/manuel-rw/jellyfin-discord-music-bot/releases . And yes, there was one 2 weeks ago. If you do not wish to receive notifications and disable the network communication, you can disable it like this: https://github.com/manuel-rw/jellyfin-discord-music-bot/wiki/📄-Environment-Variables
  18. Can confirm that this worked for me. Thanks for providing the fix.
  19. Welcome 👋 This is the official support thread for the following community apps: - Homarr (https://homarr.dev) - Jellyfin Discords Bot (https://github.com/manuel-rw/jellyfin-discord-music-bot) - Dash. (https://getdashdot.com/) Please post your questions and issues here. We'll not be able to help you with application specific issues (eg. application bugs, security issues or non-template related issues). You should report them to the maintainers. Consider to donate, if these templates helped you: https://ko-fi.com/manicraft1001
  20. I have learned from this and back up appdata and other directories with Duplicatli weekly. Thank you for your input
  21. It worked, thank you. I'll close this topic now. Thank you for your help!
  22. Quick Update: - I bought an additional 1 TB SSD which will store all docker containers and my VMs - I have restored some of my data (reverse proxy, nextcloud, ...). I also found some backups of important tools! - I made several copies of the backups and made a disk image of the entire 1 TB HDD - I completly removed the 1 TB HDD from the system and will keep it like this for now - I bought 5 TB external backup storage, which I will backup to using Duplicati I should be ready to turn it on and plug the new 1 TB SDD in. Will you assist me for configuration, that I don't break something again?
  23. No worries, I'll try it out. Can I come back at you when I'm done, for setting up the array?
  24. That would be fine. Would you be willing to assist me for the recovery process, when the copy of the disk has been finished?
  25. Would I need to take the drive out for that? Also, 500€ is over my budget - Am I looking at the wrong version? Without that we won't be able to further restore the data?
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