Are you saying that you executed the lines from the 'OpenKM.cfg' file witin the container's terminal? If yes, wrong.
These are config files, not lines to be executed from the terminal window.
I added a note telling the user to configure the files according to your setup:
- Both, 'OpenKM.cfg' and 'server.xml' files, MUST be present and properly configured before creating the container, if you decide to go ahead by this way.
So, after downloading the files to the corresponding location (this is done by the 'curl' cmd), and also configuring the DB container/server, you will have to open both files and adjust them according to your setup.
Check this page as an example:
There's no code to run from terminal, apart from configuring the files. But, you can use the terminal to install dependices and make changes to OpenKM, but this is another discussion.