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Everything posted by noobguy

  1. I never really solved this but I did test this out using another (edit: NPM image) from CA and it worked with no other change on my side. I'm happy to test anything to get this docker image working. Just let me know.
  2. Thanks!! It is the same issue. If I open up my firewall to all IP's (instead of just CF ones) and hit my Public IP I can't reach it. Packet captures on LAN confirm source IP is from my phone instead of CF and destination port is tcp/18443 is reaching NPM but still is responding with RST's.
  3. @Sycotix thanks for the great tutorial here. I followed the instructions as you provided but ran into some problem and wondering if you or anyone else would have any suggestions. PROBLEM I am getting the Cloudflare error page when I browse to my subdomain with error 521 (webserver is down). The web server I want to host on NPM is up and running and I can reach it on the LAN by going to its local IP address. I further did a packet capture on the switch port connecting the NPM server and what I see is that the communication is breaking down at the initial TCP handshake. The Cloudflare server sends a TCP SYN to NPM but NPM responds with a RST. I verified the port forwarding is working correctly and we see destination port tcp/18443. If I browse to the NPM local IP on port 8080 I do get the congratulations page. SETUP I'm using a Cloud Origin CA cert on Cloudflare. I have port forwards on my router for 443 & 80 to go to 18443 & 1880, respectively. My Cloudflare DNS records are setup so that I have an A record for my root domain set to my public IP address and a CNAME for my subdomain. On NPM I added the Origin cert and setup the host with the following settings: Details scheme: http Forward: local IP of server forward port: 5055 cache assets: enabled block common exploits: enabled websocket support: enabled SSL force SSL: enabled HTTP/2 support: enabled If any other details are needed then please let me know. Any help or advice is much appreciated. Cheers!
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