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  1. Hey yuka, This thread is describing behavior I am also experiencing and am similarly puzzled by. I just switched my docker to Directory from BTRFS because I figured it might be more stable, only for the issue to manifest less than 24h later. At one point I got just short of 26 days uptime prior to it returning. I also happened to replace my boot drive this past summer, so I think it's in ok shape? Looking forward to hearing if you have any progress solving it. Best of luck!
  2. So - like the last post on this thread here... I received the same (incompatible) with my Windows 10 machine, but a GUID with my wife's MacBook using the USB Creator. Is there something MacOS is doing to generate a GUID? I may have glossed over it catching up to this point. If anyone else runs into the issue and still wants to risk it then the MacOS USB creator will potentially let you do it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Edit: I tested two out of the five drives in the pack I purchased with Check Flash 1.17.0 - Both appear to be genuine SanDisk products. I just transferred to one of them as my boot drive which is partially how I came across this thread. It seems fair to say that despite fakes legitimately being in circulation that the Windows USB Creator may have some bugs as well.
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