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Posts posted by bthoven

  1. All my iso files are stored in the same isos folder and I've been running one debian and one windows vm from those iso files without problem.

    I've downloaded pfSense CE zip file, and unzip it to an iso file, transfer it to the same isos folder. However, the pfSense iso file does not show up for me to choose when creating a new vm. Even I put the full iso path and name directly, the file can't be found when starting the vm.
    I'm not sure what I did wrongly.



  2. On 3/27/2017 at 10:21 AM, Brownboy said:

    I am trying to setup a virtual lab environment isolated from my current network. my goal is to setup 3 vms. one vm will be pfsense and the other 2 will be windows 10 vms. i want to route all traffic through the pfsense vm so i can test out some pfsense configurations before i implement it as my primary routing platform. i am planning to switch from tomato to pfsense but i want to familiarize myself better with pfsense before i make the switch. can anyone help me in setting this up.


    i have created the pfsense vm with 2 virtual network cards. the first which is acting as the wan in pfsnese is br0. (which allows me to obtain an ip from my router with no problems)

    the second is br0.1 which is the vlan i created and is acting as the lan in pfsense (ip within pfsense is

    the windows vm has a virtual network card using the interface br0.1


    Home router =

    pfsense vm = (br0) WAN =

                           (br0.1)LAN =

    windows vm = (br0.1) (ip is obtained from pfsense)


    i setup dhcp inside pfsense and when the windows machine boots it obtains the ipaddress from the pool i set within pfsense. for some reason i can ping google.com but i cannot access google.com from within my browser. i thought this may be a dns issue but cant seem to figure out what i am doing wrong. i setup different dns servers ranging from google's dns to my actual router as the dns server (which is no matter how i set it up i cannot reach google.com from within the browser.. 


    any help would be greatly appreciated. 


    I'm sorry to dig this thread up.

    I'm running pfSense on a standalone box without problem.

    What I want to do is to create a pfSense VM on my unraid as a testing base. Your thread seems to be as close as what I want to do, but I don't know how to create my pfSense VM. Could you tell me in more details, for example, what VM template you used, how to create br0.1, etc..?

    Note: I already have other VMs running on my unraid (Windows, Debian, etc.)

  3. Hi,
    I just noticed the log bar on the dashboard shows 100% with red color. I tried to check the log content by pressing the log icon on the upper right cornor on the dashboard. It showed a popup box with blank content (all white). I also went into the Tools-->System Log, it was displaying unraid wave logo forever and not showing any content. I also used Filezilla to view the content in /var/log folder; the syslog file itself size has 0 byte and the syslog.1 file size is around 130MB. I viewed it and didn't see any things wrong or any repeated errors.
    What should I do next? or What is the proper way to clear the log?


  4. On 1/24/2018 at 12:59 AM, bonienl said:


    Do the following to let docker rebuild the networks

    rm /var/lib/docker/network/files/local-kv.db
    /etc/rc.d/rc.docker restart


    Thanks for this solution. It works.
    After upgrading Unraid to the latest version, the first boot after upgrading was ok, but I need to reboot it because my UPS battery needed replacement. Unraid docker definition menu can no longer see my br0. After performing the above two commands, the br0 is back and those dockers are now working with just restarting them again.

  5. On 10/15/2021 at 12:10 AM, JonathanM said:

    Instead of mucking about with trying to force a VM to boot to a iso image, I find it easier to set up a stripped down VM with gparted and all the other fun tools, and temporarily add the target vdisk as a second disk to the utilities VM. That way there is no need to modify anything with the original VM, just remember to remove the vdisk from the utility VM before starting it up again.

    Great advice. My debian vm storage was full and can't display desktop gui after login.
    As I already have a debian testing VM in place, I just installed gparted, stop the problematic vm, run gparted to extend the debian partition (I need to delete the existing swap partition first before extending because it was placed between the main partition and the additional storage) and create a new swap partition at the end of the enlarged storage; then everything is now working smoothly as usual. First reboot on the larger storage took longer time because it seems to check or initial something extra on the expanded disk.

  6. On 3/5/2023 at 2:49 AM, malebron said:




    I followed the instructions here. This fixed it for me:




    Thanks. The procedure on the link page works great. I had to run it 4-5 times to get to the latest version.
    Along the way, if you found some errors or inadvertently say No to the occ upgrade, just re-run the "docker exec -it nextcloud updater.phar", it will resolve the problem by itself. The latest version as of now is 25.0.4.

    • Thanks 1
  7. You can create and schedule the following bash script with User Script plugin.

    # run in background
    docker exec -d GooglePhotosSync gphotos-sync /storage
    # run interactively for testing
    #docker exec -it GooglePhotosSync gphotos-sync /storage


    • Like 1
  8. I've created a new Debian VM and installed some basic setup on it, e.g. making user as a sudoer, x11vnc, etc. I want to back it up as my own customized image so that I may need to create another VM like this in the future without having to setup those things again.
    What should be the right process to backing up the said vdisk1.img and use it later for creating another VM with different VM name and hostname?

  9. On 12/4/2022 at 11:20 AM, bthoven said:

    I've just installed and run GooglePhotosSync docker. When I ran my first sync with command inside Unraid console:

    docker exec -it GooglePhotosSync gphotos-sync /storage

    I got the authorize link that brought me to choosing my gmail account, got the "Google hasn’t verified this app" page, but I proceed with it anyway, then checking access to Google Photos. After that, it brought me to a url that can't be reached:

    http://localhost:8080/?state=MRSMyRUIBAl2ZyClPdyR3krdYbKcSe&code=4/0AfgeXvu9VuPnkzwbsQiMWjY2vMGu2xYsCXFdCDzkCxzx_GVWYOVWq96X10ajzCwU9dC5jA&scope=https://www.googleapis.com/auth/photoslibrary.sharing https://www.googleapis.com/auth/photoslibrary.readonly
    and nothing was going on after this point on my Unraid console. I performed this process on my Windows 11. Trying it on my Debian also produced the same results.
    Did I do something wrong?

    As eventually I want to run it headless on Unraid server, the only way to get the Google authorized token is by installing gphotos-sync app on my Windows (or Linex/Mac) first, and then follow the whole process on Windows until I get the similar link as above. Now clicking the link on Windows can complete the authorization process and a token was created inside my Windows storage folder. I then copied the token file to my Unraid GooglePhotosSync storage folder (the folder where all the photos will be downloaded to). It's now working.image.png.e5a0e94edd2f2129f9a416fd2d0e86ce.png

  10. I've just installed and run GooglePhotosSync docker. When I ran my first sync with command inside Unraid console:

    docker exec -it GooglePhotosSync gphotos-sync /storage

    I got the authorize link that brought me to choosing my gmail account, got the "Google hasn’t verified this app" page, but I proceed with it anyway, then checking access to Google Photos. After that, it brought me to a url that can't be reached:

    http://localhost:8080/?state=MRSMyRUIBAl2ZyClPdyR3krdYbKcSe&code=4/0AfgeXvu9VuPnkzwbsQiMWjY2vMGu2xYsCXFdCDzkCxzx_GVWYOVWq96X10ajzCwU9dC5jA&scope=https://www.googleapis.com/auth/photoslibrary.sharing https://www.googleapis.com/auth/photoslibrary.readonly
    and nothing was going on after this point on my Unraid console. I performed this process on my Windows 11. Trying it on my Debian also produced the same results.
    Did I do something wrong?

  11. Objective: to automatically perform indexing, every hour, for new photos in my PhotoPrism original folder, without using an import folder or WebDAV in PhotoPrism.

    I already have a shared folder on my Unraid, name 'Google Photos', which allows SMB share. I'm using a FolderSync app on my Android phone to sync, one way, photos on my phone every hour to 'Google Photos' folder on my Unraid. I also have another phone which also runs Foldersync app which also syncs, one way, to the same 'Google Photos' folder on my Unraid. So basically, my 'Google Photos' contains all photos originated from my mobile phones.


    After I started using PhotoPrism by specifying 'Google Photos' as its original folder (or 'Storage Path' on Unraid docker webui), I had a 'complete Rescan' once to index all the existing photos/videos. Since then, I've been struggling to find a way to automate a scheduled rescan for only changes in my 'Google Photos' folder. As PhotoPrism only supports such feature with WebDAV sharing folder only, and Unraid does not support WebDAV share, I can only do it manually on it webui (Libraray sidebar --> Index tab --> Start button). So I need to find another way.

    The solution is to run 'photoprism index' command in the PhotoStream container and scheduling its run with a cron job. The command is basically the same as when you manually rescan the folder with PhotoPrism webui (Libraray sidebar --> Index tab --> Start button)


    If you don't have a 'User Scripts', you have to install it first from Unraid APPs repositories, and we will have a webui to create a bash script and a new schedule. It's just a webui for easy bash script and cron job creation. Pls see the attached screenshots


    For my PhotoPrism container, the bash script will be:

    cd /mnt/user/Google\ Photos
    docker exec -t PhotoPrism photoprism index


    '/mnt/user/Google\  Photos'  is my 'Google Photos' shared folder containing all photos/videos (need back slash behind 'Google' because I have a space in my folder name 'Google Photos'. I should rename it to 'Google_Photos')

    'PhotoPrism' is my PhotoPrism container name (what you input as 'Name:' when you define the docker via Unraid Webui, see the attached screenshot)

    'photoprism index' is a PhotoPrism known command to perform the indexing again.


    Or what the bash script does is performing indexing of photos/videos inside /mnt/user/Google Photos/ folder, by looking for only the changes in the folder.


    Note: your PhotoPrism docker must be running/started for this to work.


    If you have only a few new photos added to 'Google Photos' folder, it took only less than a minute to sync/index.


    Hope this helps.




    Docker parameter



    User Scripts 'PhotoPrismSync'





    How it works behind the scene:


    • Like 3
  12. I've operated Unraid for almost a year now without problem. Now I run Unraid latest version, 6.11.3.


    I have one user share folder, named "unraid_shared", which I defined parameter "Use Cache Pool=Prefer" when I created it. Since its creation, I believe the same folder are in both the Cache drive and Disk1 drive, which is normal because when I create a new file/subfolder inside the unraid_shared folder, it will be stored in Cache first, and it will be automatically moved to Disk1 later, if necessary?

    Since the day before, my unraid_shared folder on Disk1 became just a flat file named unraid_shared (size 517b), while the unraid_shared folder on Cache drive is still intact and seems to contain all subfolders/files. I don't know what has happened. Is there any way to have the unraid_shared as a folder on my Disk1 again? Can I simply delete the flat file unraid_shared from Disk1, and Unraid OS will re-create the same folder in Disk1 automatically?


    The reason I found this problem because I have a user script scheduled to run every day. It's supposed to create a new file every day in unraid_shared folder. In the script I refer to the folder location as /mnt/user/unraid_shared, which is located is on Disk1. As now such folder on Disk1 became just a flat file named user_shared, so the script can't find such folder, thus terminated.

  13. Since upgraded to 6.10.3, from time to time, all my VMs disappear from the dashboard, though all of them are still running. The VM tab shows like this. I've never shutdown my unraid.

    I therefore can't maintain my VM config and can't backup with my scheduled VMbackup. I have to reboot my unraid to get it back properly. Anyone has the same problem? Any permanent or workaround solution without having to reboot my unraid?




  14. 57 minutes ago, BRiT said:

    Hate to be that guy, but ...


    You should attach diagnostics to your next post in the thread. That will provide comprehensive set of actual information that others can use to possibly assist you.

    When that incident happened, the webui took forever to load. I'll try the diagnostics function when it happens again. Do you know where the diagnostics log is actually kept, in case the webui won't respond and I still can ssh to my unraid server to view it.

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