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  1. One of my scripts recently stopped working and I'm not sure why. It's an amateur bash script I wrote a while ago that reformats some files and moves them. The second for loop has just stopped working for some reason. It doesn't ever echo anything. The first one does just fine... I've been using this same script for almost 2 years now... EDIT: I figured it out. I was being stupid. I had all these text files reformatted to .md files and then didn't change the for loop. #!/bin/bash folder="/mnt/cache/Real_Dropbox/Apps/Otter/Voice_Memos_New" if [[ -z "$(ls -A -- "$folder")" ]] ; then echo "$folder is empty" else echo "$folder is not-empty and contains $(ls $folder)" cd $folder for file2 in *; do if echo "$file2" | grep -q '\s'; then echo "File title contains spaces" mv "$file2" `echo $file2 | tr ' ' '_'`; echo "changed $file2 to underscores"; else echo "File title does not contain spaces" fi done for file in $(find $folder -name '*.txt'); do filename=$(basename -s .txt $file); echo "stored filename $filename"; audio=$filename.m4a; echo "identified audio file $audio"; time_created=$(stat -c %y $audio|tr ' ' '_'|sed 's/-//g; s/://g; s/\.[^\.]*$/_/'); yamldate_created=$(stat -c %y $audio); echo "stored time created $time_created"; newaudio=$time_created$audio; echo "added time created to audio name $newaudio"; newtranscription=$time_created$filename.md; echo "added time created to transcription name $newtranscription"; mv $file $newtranscription; echo "changed $file to $newtranscription"; mv $audio $newaudio; echo "changed $audio to $newaudio"; sed -i "1i \#\# Transcript" "$newtranscription"; sed -i "1i \!\[\[$newaudio\]\]" "$newtranscription"; sed -i "1i \-\-\-" "$newtranscription"; sed -i "1i date\:\ $yamldate_created" "$newtranscription"; sed -i "1i tags\:\ primarysource" "$newtranscription"; sed -i "1i type\:\ primary\ source" "$newtranscription"; sed -i "1i \-\-\-" "$newtranscription"; echo "added formatting to transcription $newtranscription"; mv $newtranscription /mnt/user/Syncthing/The\ Galactic\ Mining\ Operation/My\ Media/File\ Notes/Primary\ Sources\ \(Transcripts\)/; echo "moved $newtranscription to syncthing"; mv $newaudio /mnt/user/Syncthing/The\ Galactic\ Mining\ Operation/Media/My\ Files/My\ Audio\ Files/Transcribed\ and\ Connected/; echo "moved $newaudio to syncthing"; done fi
  2. I noticed I couldn't use the terminal earlier, checked settings and saw in the drop down menu where I normally see My servers a notification that said Unraid api error. It offered me the option to restart the api, which I tried, but nothing had happened after a few minutes. I tried again and nothing happened. So I decided to reboot the whole server and see if I still had the issue. Now the server won't reboot. It can't be connected to, but when I look at it it's clearly still on. Not sure if I should just forcibly power down? Any ideas here?