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Posts posted by RBK-Serwer

  1. IF i got wrong config just tell what to do.


    1. I fix the right folder to nobody 

    2. I try setup any tylpe High water , fill up.

    3. I try 4k leave 200 GB 

    4. I create new folder 

    5. Try Include or Exclude no both 


    No metter what i see unriad write to Disk what got low space and got error not enough space








  2. Copy files to HDD that do have not enough space? Sure that why setup mimimum left 108 GB and exclude full disk and unraid also dont know not copy to exclude or left minimum 108 GB and still try copy 100 gb file?


    What is idle time? When all server do nothing? Is server work 24/7 I create file 100 GB in 40 minute and copy it for "cache"  Cache drive is 2 TB than i need to make 18 files to make disk full and in this time no even one file is coped? Than for what is cache to not use at all when serwer do nothing i dont inder stand that?


    Than how simple do make file copy to SDD when disk on SDD start move to unraid pool ? 


    Serwer no copy files and transfer is 2 mb ? 




  3. I'm a new uraid user use him for about 4 month 

    Is file system server witch fail basic I need now of how to fix completely basic server think.

    1. I got 28 Hdd and  2 Parity

    Why system copy files to HDD that do have not enough space? Try High Water, Fill Up, Most Free and the system still can copy files to HDD what have enough space? That can do even windows 98, Dos make message no space before copy!!! I even Exclude the disk and the system still try copy to HDD is not enough space.





    How to fix that to normal work?



    Second Issue file transfer is a joke !!!


    I got two unraid machine got 10 Gigabit network

    and transfer constantly drop to 25 MB/s even problem to copy for ssd 
    got 1000 mb speed but very often got 30 mb/s only fix that restart unrad transfer back to 1000 mb random after hour some time day is drop to 20 or less and that is on two diferent unraid machine . Windows constat 600 + newer problem to transfer files. 




    Cache and mover are so much disappointment. It just does not work at all. (I know is not move files what use like docker or VM if not disabled)
    I can use that for regular work copy files.  I set up 2 TB for cache in basic (no extra addon ) setup move files every hour and the system do nothing to point I got full SSD. I try Mover tunning not help much setup threshold  5% 0% Setup scheduled cron file not moved at all even if disk SSD full. The system not move files at all for me and cache is useless if I cant use for simply to copy files




    I know maybe it can solve the issue but is just a basic thing and even I need to ask for system work in most simple think to make me disappointed.  How to make this system to work normal? Is any way fix that?



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