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  1. good morning, after upgrading, I can't access to my unraid server using zerotier ip. But I can ping it. What do you think? do you have suggestions? thanks!
  2. It worked! You are Awesome!! Thank you so much!!
  3. Help! I plugged new usb NIC and I wanted to use it in a vm. After switched off all vms and dockers, I configured it only enabling and setting a new static ip. After applying all, I lost connection on it. I pinged it without success with ip of old nic and new nic ip I reboot it unplugged the new nic usb and the result is the same. Can't connect! Please help!!
  4. thanks, I resolved using the follow credential: workgroup\smbuser password maybe because my laptop is in domain AzureAD ?
  5. hello everyone, I am a happy owner of a pro license. Since I formatted my laptop with win11 enterprise, I have problems accessing shared folders if they are private. If I make the same folder public, I log on. when I make it private and give either read-only or read and write permissions to the user I use, it tells me it can't log on as if the password is wrong. I have tried as well to re-enter the password for security to the user (whatever user I use it is always the same problem) but to no avail. I upgraded from 6.9.2 to 6.11.5 (both versions have same issue) Please, can you help me? thank you.
  6. Hi guys, I got issue when starting mqtt docker app. I have this logs: Warning: store_clean_interval is no longer needed. 1662533991: Error: No error information. 1662533991: Error: Couldn't open database. I tried to reinstall it, without success (not started and same logs) I see that my mosquitto.db is 0Kb, how is that possible? Please, can you help me? thanks!
  7. I fixed it!!!! I saw that ip address of my unraid wasn't static!!!! Set a static ip address, br0 was showed and now I can see home assistant!! thanks to all for your suggestions!! this community is the best!!
  8. I just reboot many times please, how can I read diagnostic?
  9. Hi at all, I created a new VM with Home Assistant using this guide: But I tried to connect in without succes. I tried to ping both ip address and hostname without success: Unraid ip is this is the VM configuration: and this is network settings: It seems to be all correct. Please, can you help me? thanks a lot!!!
  10. sounds good!!! it works!! thanks a lot!
  11. Hi at all. Please, can you help me about this? thanks a lot!
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