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  1. 试试换个好一点的电源,尤其是希捷的大硬盘。
  2. 膜拜一下楼上大佬,居然能搞清楚linuxserver这清奇的脑回路。我一直以为是"TRANSMISSION_WEB_HOME=/mnt/user/appdata/transmission/src" 没想到还要映射给"/webui"跳一下. 我就说owner也改了,权限也给了,怎么就是找不到index。
  3. 也可以用Unraid自带的Wireguard,什么都不用装。想要更新软件的时候进setting把tunnel开关打开就行了。更新完记得把开关关了,特别是allow ip是0.0.0.0的,其它服务也是会走代理出去的。
  4. Thanks mate. Thanks to Cyber Monday, I got a better solution. I bought a new prokey and returned to the company.
  5. Hi all, I have a server running unraid pro. This server and unraid key were purchased by the company. The hard disk in the server was purchased by me. Now the server will be returned to the company. So I need to migrate my hard drive to a new server. My question are: 1. Can the hard disk under the pro key be used under basic? Cuz, a basic key can fullfil my requirement. 2. Is there any tutorial on how to move old HDD to new server with new key? I don't want to lose any data and configuration. I hope the new server will be exactly the same as the old server after booting. 3. Is there any tutorial on how to reset the old server? I need to return a unconfigured server to company. Thanks in advance!