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Posts posted by SggCnn93

  1. Happened to me as well today on 6.11.5, after completing the rebuild I rebooted and after that everything was back to normal.

    Only thing I have to add is that on 6.11.5 I've had problems with "stale configuration" on at least 3 different machines (one is actually on 6.11.3 I think) that resolved themselves with a reboot, and often I have "services starting..." stuck next to "array started" in the bottom left until I reboot the system.

    No clue if these issues could have something to do with this problem as well.

  2. 5 hours ago, Hoopster said:

    Have you seen this topic?  Are those the instructions you used in the Secondary NIC is Available section?


    Checked the topic but I think they're doing the opposite of what I need, they're trying to assign a different IP to every docker while I need the dockers to share the IP with Unraid like they do with the default bridge "docker0".

    It could work if I found a way to assign custom ports to dockers with a dedicate IP address, but I couldn't find a way to do that.


    I don't understand the second question sorry :(

  3. 2 minutes ago, Vr2Io said:

    Due to large different network environment between you and me, so I have difficulties to perform more test or verify.


    Hope otherone can help you.


    Yeah it seems our configuration is very different, thank you anyway for all the help! :D


    I feel like the solution should be pretty simple, but I can't find it XD


    Hope someone can help me find it :)

  4. 2 hours ago, Vr2Io said:

    Use 2 independent router would make thing simple, I also agree change to one (USG) no use. It really doesn't make sense br1 will route traffic to br0 ( or vice reverse ).




    I haven't assign IP to eth0.2 ( VLAN ), just set IP in docker setting, but I don't think this is the reason for the routing problem you mention.


    One difference I see is that you use ipvlan for the custom network type while I use macvlan, don't know if it makes a different or if I could switch without issues tho.


    I tried using this command:

    docker network create -d macvlan   --subnet=   --gateway=   -o parent=eth1 proxytel


    and this one:

    docker network create -d ipvlan     --subnet=     --gateway=     -o ipvlan_mode=l2     -o parent=eth1 proxytel


    Found them respectively here:



    and here:



    But with both I get this error:

    "Error response from daemon: Pool overlaps with other one on this address space"


    I don't know why I get this error since on the second link (the one about ipvlan networks) it literally say:

    "Use the network from the host’s interface as the --subnet in the docker network create. The container will be attached to the same network as the host interface as set via the -o parent= option."


    Maybe it's because the command doesn't work if I don't change the custom network type to ipvlan? No clue XD

  5. 33 minutes ago, Vr2Io said:

    I can't reproduce the problem as you mention, I just simple assign docker to the network then it will route to correct gateway, no extra command or touch IP table need.


    If my Unraid has IP on eth0 and on eth1 and I create a custom network (using "docker network create proxynet") when I assing this network to a docker like Swag it will get an "internal" IP like and an IP on my network which would be my Unraid IP on br0, so something like, and I can change the docker port on my network. Like this:


    If instead of a custom network you use the default bridge it gets an "internal" IP like and on my network it still gets my Unraid IP on br0, so


    If I assign br1 to a docker it does not do this, the docker would get an "internal" IP on the second network like and the same IP on my second network. Like this:


    In this situation you also cannot change the docker ports in the template, you're stuck with the default ones.


    This is why I would need to create a custom network and route it through br1, so that it would get an "internal" IP like and an IP on my second network which would be my Unraid IP on br1 so, like this I am also able to change the dafault docker port using the template.


    I could just assign the network br1 to my dockers and give every docker it's own IP, but I absolutely need to be able to change the default ports and I'm pretty sure you can't do that in this configuration, at least not using the docker template.

    If there is a way to change the default ports on a docker on br1 with it's own IP that would also solve my problem :)


    I tried using iptables because on the post I linked before on StackOverflow it says:

    "The bridge created by docker isn't attached to any physical interface. External access is mediated by layer 3 forwarding and NAT rules in your iptables nat table."

    So by blocking traffic on eth0 for the docker network it should be routed through eth1, but I think it olny works on the default bridge "docker0" since it did absolutely nothing when I tried using the command on the custom network "proxynet".

  6. I also tried blocking the custom network on br0 with iptables, using the command in this post:



    Sadly nothing happened, tried "iptables -A FORWARD -i NETWORKNAME -o eth0 -j DROP", tried changing "-A" to "-I" as suggested in the comment, tried changin eth0 with br0 with both -A and -I.

    The docker on "NETWORKNAME" still gets the Unraid interface IP on br0 instead of the one on br1 and checking with "curl ifconfig.io" confirm that it uses the network on eth0.

    Maybe it only works with the default docker bridge "docker0" and not with user created networks?

  7. On 2/23/2022 at 11:55 AM, bonienl said:

    Custom networks are either assigned to different physical ethernet ports or different VLANs (virtual networks). This ensures traffic between custom networks is never shared, but completely segregated.



    Sorry for digging up an old post but I'm trying to do exactly this and I can't find any info on how to do it.

    How can I assign a custom network to a different physical port?

    After creating the network with "docker network create XXXX" I can't find a way to route it through eth1/br1 instead of eth0/br0.


    On Discord someone suggested to change the iptables but if there was an "easier" and more "permanent" way to do this it would be great.


    Ty very much for the help! :D

  8. After some more research I figured out what I need for this to work, but not how to do it yet XD


    Basically to achieve what I want to do I need to create in docker network a user-defined bridge, that's what you create when using "docker network create XXXX", but I need it to connect to br1.


    To do this I think I need to specify the driver (?), tried looking here and there are a lot of infos but I couldn't figure out how to do this:


  9. Tried using this command I found on the forum:


    docker network create -o "com.docker.network.bridge.name=br1" my-net


    In theory: "

    This creates a new docker bridge named my-net of type bridge (the type you get

    when no type is specified with switch  -d ...) that uses the br1 Linux bridge as the
    external interface."


    What it seems to do instead is replace br1 with this new network.

    I tried booting a Swag docker on this network and at first it wouldn't boot not sure why, after trying a bit and deleting and re-creating the custom network "my-net" I manages to start Swag.


    The problem now was that would get the correct "internal" IP from my-net but in my network it was still getting an IP from br0 and trying to check with "curl ifconfig.io" confirmed that the public IP was from br0.


    Here are some screenshots of the process:


    This is my initial routing table status (br-a13a0a2c93c4 is an already existing custom network created using "docker network create customnetworkname") :



    These are my docker networks:



    This is the routing table after using "docker network create -o "com.docker.network.bridge.name=br1" my-net":



    And these are the docker networks:



    Tried looking at the options for "docker network create" but couldn't find a solution, if anyone knows the right command to use please let me know cause I have no clue XD

    Ty very much again :D



    Edit: Here's a link to the forum post where I found the command:


  10. Hi everyone :) Been looking around all day but couldn't find anything about the topic.

    I have 2 NICs in my unraid and when I create a custom docker network it gets routed through br0, is there a way to create a custom network that gets routed through br1?

    I tried using Custom: br1 on a docker but it gets a personal IP address and it doesn't let me change the ports like this.

    What I need is exactly the same kind of network that gets created with "docker network create XXXXX" but on the second NIC, while the rest of the dockers stay on "bridge" on br0.

    Sorry I'm not too expert on custom networks and routing, any help would be really appreciated :D

    Thank you very much!

  11. After the latest update my Transmission docker stops working everytime it restart.
    The error seems caused by a README file in the folders "custom-cont-init.d" and "custom-services.d".
    The only way I found to make it start after I get the error is to delete the README files from those two folders and change the docker repository (usually from lscr.io/linuxserver/transmission to lscr.io/linuxserver/transmission:latest and viceversa).
    I'm pretty sure deleting the README files does nothing since the docker doesn't start just by deleting them and they get recreated every time, I just do it cuase I did it the first time I managed to make the docker start.
    If someone knows how to fix this or what could cause this behavior it would be really helpful.
    Thank you very much :D

  12. @sbaak @dalben

    Sorry to revive this post but my activ-flexget docker stopped working and I'm not good enogh with docker to make wiserain one work XD


    I made this following Sbaak post:




    I'm pretty sure "port 1" is wrong in my config since it's different in Sbaak image, but I don't know how to fix it.


    Also don't know where I should add this:


    "You just need to account for these settings

    docker run -d \

    --name=<container name> \ -p 5050:5050 \

    -v <path for data files>:/data \

    -v <path for config files>:/config \

    -e FG_WEBUI_PASSWD=<desired password> \

    -e FG_LOG_LEVEL=info \ -e FG_LOG_FILE=flexget.log \

    -e PUID=<UID for user> \

    -e PGID=<GID for user> \

    -e TZ=<timezone> \



    If anyone knows how to make it work it would be really helpful.

    Thank you very much :D



    The docker works with the configuration in my picture, the port is ok. The problem was caused by my old flexget config, the data folder was incorrect so the config could not be loaded.

    The only issue I have found is that clicking on "webui" takes me to a blank page, but opening a new page on the browser and typing http://myunraidip:5050 works.

    Hopefully everything works fine now, will be testing in the next few days :)

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