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Everything posted by olag00

  1. Only thing is I reverted back to before the Unraid update so it must be some other plugin update that broke it, maybe. Guess I will just move my plex docker to the system where most of my movies are on instead of mounting that folder location until maybe a future plugin/unraid update unbreaks it. And slowly move all the movies over to the one Unraid system and not rely on the folder mounting option.
  2. Currently do have static IPs for the servers and I use Pfsense for the router. The issue with the Github is an internet issue where the internet drops connection intermittingly but the internal network remains unaffected. I do have a technician coming out on Monday to try and figure out if the signal dropping is on the home side or their side. The odd thing is I have not had any issues for the couple of years using Unraid with being able to access the folders through "add SMB share" so it seems it is due to a recent change. I did look at my plex settings and the computer I connect to it and would have noticed it not working was 7 days ago. There is recent activity from 3 days ago from a few other clients but I didn't get any notices saying it wasn't working.
  3. Also just to make sure both servers can see each other I pinged each one from the other's console:
  4. Everything seems to be ok on the network side. I can access all folders on my windows machine.
  5. Everything seems to be the same on both machines. I did mess with "enable SMB Security" setting and tried all the different options and currently sits at Public. I can't remember if that is the default value or not.
  6. I was holding off on updating to Unraid 6.10.3 but finally did this morning. After updating I thought the mounting of remote drives was broken due to the update so I went back to 6.10.2 but realized the sharing was still broke. I can't confirm when the issue first started but it can't be more than a few days to maybe a week since I use Plex and it worked before one of the plugin updates. Now Plex can't find the folders since they are not mounted. I am trying to share locations between two Unraid servers. From a windows machine I can see and access all folders located on both servers but when when trying to mount the folders, I keep getting similar errors as above Jun 25 13:40:35 Reveille kernel: CIFS: VFS: Error connecting to socket. Aborting operation. Jun 25 13:40:35 Reveille kernel: CIFS: VFS: cifs_mount failed w/return code = -4 Jun 25 13:40:35 Reveille unassigned.devices: Error: shell_exec(/sbin/mount -t 'cifs' -o rw,noserverino,nounix,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777,uid=99,gid=100,vers=1.0,credentials='/tmp/unassigned.devices/credentials_Reveille Unraid Backups' '//RANGER/Reveille Unraid Backups' '/mnt/remotes/RANGER_Reveille Unraid Backups' 2>&1) took longer than 10s! Jun 25 13:40:35 Reveille unassigned.devices: SMB 1.0 mount failed: 'command timed out'. I have messed with the SMB settings like making sure it was set to 'Public" in the UD gui but still nothing. When I go to add the share, I can see the server, but when click on "load shares" nothing is found. No passwords should be set as it currently sits for the shares. I have attached diagnostics from both servers for reference. I appreciate any guidance you can provide. I have been using Unraid for a few years but I don't know all the intricacies about it so if you need additional information or have suggestions please elaborate the best you can to help me out. reveille-diagnostics-20220625-1442.zip ranger-diagnostics-20220625-1443.zip
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