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  1. ffgdad's post in amd radeon rx 7800 xt was marked as the answer   
    I ended up putting team viewer on the vm while it was in vnc. I then changed the video from vnc to the amd video card. I restarted the VM and networked in using team viewer. I was then able to update the driver for the video card while using team viewer. After that the monitors came on. I hope this will be the way I can do it every time. 
  2. ffgdad's post in installing windows 11 using uupdump was marked as the answer   
    I followed space invader on YouTube. and did what he did. but when I run uupdump I get this error. Here is the text of the log

    sending incremental file list

    sent 358 bytes received 54 bytes 824.00 bytes/sec
    total size is 1.90M speedup is 4,620.84
    Retrieving aria2 script...

    12/28 18:30:28 [[1;32mNOTICE[0m] Downloading 1 item(s)

    12/28 18:30:28 [[1;31mERROR[0m] CUID#7 - Download aborted. URI=https://uupdump.net/get.php?id=f19ccfd6-d64a-4f0d-8895-c663949fb7e9&pack=en-us&edition=professional&aria2=2
    Exception: [AbstractCommand.cc:351] errorCode=1 URI=https://uupdump.net/get.php?id=f19ccfd6-d64a-4f0d-8895-c663949fb7e9&pack=en-us&edition=professional&aria2=2
    -> [SocketCore.cc:1015] errorCode=1 SSL/TLS handshake failure: `not signed by known authorities or invalid' `expired'

    12/28 18:30:28 [[1;32mNOTICE[0m] Download GID#3c2eefc51025e991 not complete: /config/aria2_script..txt

    Download Results:
    gid |stat|avg speed |path/URI
    3c2eef|ERR | 0B/s|/config/aria2_script..txt

    Status Legend:
    (ERR):error occurred.

    aria2 will resume download if the transfer is restarted.
    If there are any errors, then see the log file. See '-l' option in help/man page for details.
    Failed to retrieve aria2 script
    sending incremental file list

    sent 358 bytes received 54 bytes 824.00 bytes/sec
    total size is 1.90M speedup is 4,620.84
    Retrieving aria2 script...

    12/28 21:51:14 [[1;32mNOTICE[0m] Downloading 1 item(s)

    12/28 21:51:14 [[1;31mERROR[0m] CUID#7 - Download aborted. URI=https://uupdump.net/get.php?id=f19ccfd6-d64a-4f0d-8895-c663949fb7e9&pack=en-us&edition=professional&aria2=2
    Exception: [AbstractCommand.cc:351] errorCode=1 URI=https://uupdump.net/get.php?id=f19ccfd6-d64a-4f0d-8895-c663949fb7e9&pack=en-us&edition=professional&aria2=2
    -> [SocketCore.cc:1015] errorCode=1 SSL/TLS handshake failure: `not signed by known authorities or invalid' `expired'

    12/28 21:51:14 [[1;32mNOTICE[0m] Download GID#74ef095fd1e09dcb not complete: /config/aria2_script..txt

    Download Results:
    gid |stat|avg speed |path/URI
    74ef09|ERR | 0B/s|/config/aria2_script..txt

    Status Legend:
    (ERR):error occurred.

    aria2 will resume download if the transfer is restarted.
    If there are any errors, then see the log file. See '-l' option in help/man page for details.
    Failed to retrieve aria2 script
    sending incremental file list

    sent 358 bytes received 54 bytes 824.00 bytes/sec
    total size is 1.90M speedup is 4,620.84
    Retrieving aria2 script...

    12/28 22:13:10 [[1;32mNOTICE[0m] Downloading 1 item(s)

    12/28 22:13:11 [[1;31mERROR[0m] CUID#7 - Download aborted. URI=https://uupdump.net/get.php?id=f19ccfd6-d64a-4f0d-8895-c663949fb7e9&pack=en-us&edition=professional&aria2=2
    Exception: [AbstractCommand.cc:351] errorCode=1 URI=https://uupdump.net/get.php?id=f19ccfd6-d64a-4f0d-8895-c663949fb7e9&pack=en-us&edition=professional&aria2=2
    -> [SocketCore.cc:1015] errorCode=1 SSL/TLS handshake failure: `not signed by known authorities or invalid' `expired'

    12/28 22:13:11 [[1;32mNOTICE[0m] Download GID#7d7fc60546c8f454 not complete: /config/aria2_script..txt

    Download Results:
    gid |stat|avg speed |path/URI
    7d7fc6|ERR | 0B/s|/config/aria2_script..txt

    Status Legend:
    (ERR):error occurred.

    aria2 will resume download if the transfer is restarted.
    If there are any errors, then see the log file. See '-l' option in help/man page for details.
    Failed to retrieve aria2 script
    I have looked around the net. I have not come across anything that helped.