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Everything posted by inura

  1. Thank you for that fast and informative answer I only followed the video guide on the link from zfs to the unraid share part: (timed where he shows this) if this makes more sense to you than it does for me I guess since he did not have to worry about SMB security it just worked for him out of the box? I will look in to setting it manually as you have explained. Thanks
  2. Hi, I do not know if I have put this in the right place. Noob in unraid here trying to follow guides to set up my unraid server with zfs. Using the video and this forum post. Thanks for making this! I had a test server set up, but formated the drives and deleted each partition using unassigned devices and unassigned devices pluss. I then installed the plugins: ZFS for unraid 6, ZFS companion and ZFS Master for Unraid. Since I have 32GB of ram i set 8GB to be used by ARC memmory as per guide: "/boot/config/go" and "echo 8589934592 >> /sys/module/zfs/parameters/zfs_arc_max". I have 1 ssd as a normal unraid drive. I then created the ZFS Pool using 6 (8TB) HDD drives: zpool create -m /zfs zfs raidz2 sdf sdb sdc sdh sde sdd I then set ZFS compression to lz4 as recomended with: zfs set compression=lz4 zfs I then created datasets using: zfs create zfs/data and zfs create zfs/backup Changed the compression on backup since it is going to be used as cold storage rarely used, using: zfs set compression=gzip zfs/backup Checking the status with zpool status and zfs list, everything looks ok to me. Where my problem starts is when I want to use SMB to access the folders in windows using it as a network drive. I have earlier used this in unraid with a user I crated called admin with read and write rights and a user called user with read-only. This worked before zfs just fine ;). Using the yt guide I created 2 shares with the names zpool and backup. I then typed in the command ln -s /zfs/backup /mnt/user/backup/backup and ln -s /zfs/data /mnt/user/zpool/data The folders show up in the share and i set SMB to secure and the user admin to Read/Write and user to Read-only. I then mapped the folders in windows using: \\TOWER\backup\backup and \\TOWER\zpool\data So far so good, but the problem comes when I try to add files to these as I get an error message stating Destination folder access denied, You need permission to perform this action. Does the folder not inherit the user access set in the share? When mapping it as \\TOWER\backup it only show me the space from the ssd (drive1). When looking at the security tab in windows it shows: Everyone, root (Unix Group \root) and Console and WebGui login account (TOWER\root) all with just special permissions tagged. When adding admin as a user, using the "Check Names" function it finds TOWER\admin, but I get a error when applying security "Failed to enumerate objects in the container. Access is denied" and "unable to save permission changes on data (\\TOWER\zpool)(W:). Access is denied". Is there any way to get the subfolder to inherit the security setting set in shares? Is there any other way to access the files in windows in the same manner? If you see any other improvements to my setup, please do tell me