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Posts posted by Kaj

  1. Ok, I have it working. I think. The backup is running now. I used different guides from these forums and ReddIt and also the official samba and vfs_fruit man pages. 



    • Client: macOS Monterey 12.1
    • Server: Unraid 6.9.2

    I have a Backups share as a staging area for servers and clients to put files before they're back-upped to the cloud. This share I made available to Apple's Time Machine with the following settings:


    First, the global SMB settings in Settings > SMB:

    • Enhanced macOS interoperability: Yes

    • Enable NetBIOS: No


    Second, the SMB Extras settings in Settings > SMB (stored in /boot/config/smb-extra.conf if you prefer the command line):

       min protocol = SMB2
       ea support = yes
       vfs objects = catia fruit streams_xattr
       fruit:aapl = yes
       fruit:nfs_aces = no
       fruit:zero_file_id = yes
       fruit:metadata = stream
       fruit:encoding = native
       fruit:model = MacSamba
       veto files = /._*/.DS_Store/
       delete veto files = yes
       path = /mnt/user/Backups
       fruit:time machine = yes
       fruit:time machine max size = 3 T


    In my case I used a maximum size of 3TB for the Time Machine backups. A nice extra with this configuration: a faster browsing experience of SMB shares in macOS (at least in Finder).


    Note of caution: if you use the Unassigned Devices plugin, the above configuration needs to be included before '#unassigned_devices_start'.


    Finally, for the Backups share, the specific SMB settings:



    The Time Machine volume size limit (3TB in MB) here is probably useless as it is overridden by the SMB Extras settings.


    Hope it helps some of you.


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