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Posts posted by Pstark

  1. 7 minutes ago, Gragorg said:

    This seems to be the case for me I am using macvlan with bridging disabled.  What really threw my for a loop is my netgear RAXE 500 actually sees both them for the same ip while my old router did not.

    It's pretty odd that Unraid network settings says the MAC address for the server is 90:e2:ba:2e:01:bd and if I go into my UniFi console and block that device, the server functions normally. But if I block the mystery device that shares the same IP (16:5d:31:7f:75:65) the server becomes unresponsive. Honestly the only reason I'm looking into this is the fact that UniFI Console shows a message that two devices are sharing the same IP.

  2. 14 hours ago, JorgeB said:

    I believe this is normal if you use macvlan with bridging disabled, try ipvlan if it works for you.

    macvlan is the only way docker containers show up in Unifi so I want to keep that. I did enable bridging and restarted eth0 but I still have two MAC address for the server. Before the server had 02:e1:d6:c9:90:76 (unknown mac I'm trying to figure out) and 90:e2:ba:2e:01:bd (mac address listed in network settings) and now I the first one changed to 16:5d:31:7f:75:65 and 90:e2:ba:2e:01:bd. 


    If I block 16:5d:31:7f:75:65, the UI becomes unresponsive until I unblock it. If I block the MAC address listed in network settings 90:e2:ba:2e:01:bd, it makes not difference. 


  3. I was recently going to my UniFi Devices list and noticed that Unraid had two lines listed with the same IP address. I am trying to figure out where this MAC address is coming from. ifconfig shows it listed as "vhost0". vhost0's IP always matches eth0 which is the fiber connection I intend to use. 


    Supermicro MB has three BbE ports and I have a 2 port Intel SFP+ NIC that has only has one fiber connection to the network. 


    I have checked all docker containers and VM for this MAC address but can't be found. 





  4. Currently I have a tower that doesn't have any drive bays. I have my HBA cables running out the back and connecting to my 3 HDD enclosures. This is creating issues with disk errors and therefore I am looking to move to my first rack mount solution. I'm thinking I should get a disk shelf for all my drives and a 3 or 4U my server.


    Currently I have the capacity for 15 drives with the goal of have 20 drive bays. 


    My first question is, would anyone recommend against this or recommend a better solution?

    Second question is, how would I connect the server to the disk shelf? I want use a single connection for all my drives if possible.

  5. the cable is simply pass through. The SAS controller decides what protocol to speak to the drives (SATA vs SAS) depending on what is connected. Since a SATA controller cannot speak SAS protocol, SAS drives have an extra plastic piece on the connector that blocks a SATA connector to be plugged in. But besides that, the cables don’t matter as long as they are rated for the throughput
    Ideally, you would want a SAS to SAS breakout cable. Practically, SAS backplanes would be SAS to SAS without any breakout involved
    The norco case, seems the ports will take both connectors and simply pass-through, so it really just depends on the controller. In theory, this will allow connecting simple SATA controller to SAS drives physically, but that will not work since the controller will fail to talk to any connected SAS drive. A SAS controller should work OK
    Note that it is not recommended to mix SATA and SAS on same controller / backplane
    Coming to practical implications, I think you are worrying about nothing. None of the drives you have can saturate 6G bandwidth, forget about 12G. Those ratings only come into picture when using SAS expanders where multiple drives have to share that 12G bandwidth 

    Ok so SAS and SATA drives can use the same cable but the protocol used depends on the drive.
  6. But will the 7 pin SATA connector support 12Gbps when connected to a SAS drive like in my use case? Or does a 12Gbps connection require a different cable? I’m thinking the SATA connector is a “bottle neck”. It’s called SATA for a reason but I don’t know and therefore, the reason I’m making this post. 

  7. 12 hours ago, apandey said:

    I think this enclosure is only rated for 6gbps

    I am trying to google the answer but I don’t I’m uncertain of what I’m finding. Just because SAS drives physically fit in the cage I’m thinking sellers are saying it supports SAS 12Gbps speeds as in the backplane has a the connector for both SATA and SAS drives. 

  8. Can SFF cables like SFF-8643 to SATA breakout cables support a 12Gbps connection? Being they connect using a SATA 7 pin connector, wouldn’t that mean it will “work” but at a 6Gbps speed?


    This is how mine is currently setup:


    LSI SAS9300-16i —> SFF-8643 to SATA —-> Samsung MZ-ILS3T80 3.84TB SAS SSD inside a NORCO SS-500

  9. I'm attempting to make my own backup script. This is my script:


    /etc/rc.d/rc.docker stop && sleep 1m && tar -zcf /mnt/remotes/TRUENAS.HOME.ARPA_truenas/appdata_backup_script/appdata_backup-$(date +%Y%m%d_T_%H_%M).tar.gz -C /mnt/user/ PC\ Drive && /etc/rc.d/rc.docker start && sleep 3m && find /mnt/remotes/TRUENAS.HOME.ARPA_truenas/appdata_backup_script/* -mtime +45 -delete


    This is the output:



    Tower# /etc/rc.d/rc.docker stop && sleep 1m && tar -zcf /mnt/remotes/TRUENAS.HOME.ARPA_truenas/appdata_backup_script/appdata_backup-$(date +%Y%m%d_T_%H_%M).tar.gz -C /mnt/user/ PC\ Drive && /etc/rc.d/rc.docker start && sleep 3m && find /mnt/remotes/TRUENAS.HOME.ARPA_truenas/appdata_backup_script/* -mtime +45 -delete
    stopping dockerd ...
    waiting for docker to die ...
    starting dockerd ...


    It doesn't get past the stoping docker. Can anyone help? This is my first script BTW.

  10. 5 minutes ago, MrGrey said:

    Do you have your own domain (like you registered/paid $10/year for it), or you're trying to do it completely free?


    You have certificates for your domain?



    In my experience (which isn't much) that will want a secure connection with a valid SSL/TLS (call it what you want) certificate. It MUST resolve to "httpS" in most browsers or you'll get a warning (even in your own house -- the nerve) :)


    I have this working (reverse proxy) in pfSense for both local and public and hidden addresses.


    My time is limited. I'm following this thread.






    I'm trying to resolve nextcloud.home.arpa locally, to the docker container. I can access nextcloud from anywhere via the my WAN domain. I want an internal domain.

  11. For the past few days I have been attempting to make so that if I type in the browser address bar, for example "nextcloud.home.arpa" pfSense would resolve that domain to a local IP, in this case.


    I feel it's possible but I can't get it working. I just want to use domains because I can't remember all the IP's and port numbers. Domain override works but you can't enter port numbers.


    6 minutes ago, apandey said:

    Unraid runs completely out of memory for the most part, the basic system including the UI are loaded from the image on usb into RAM during boot. There isn't much on USB that is accessed post boot. There is absolutely nothing on your shares and data drives that is used by unraid system


    Perhaps better to discuss what you are finding slow and try to diagnose why it may be so instead

    The thing is, there isn't a problem with it being "slow". I was just attempting to see if I could make it "faster" when clicking different tabs and such. The slowest is when I click the docker tab. Again its not a problem per-say but I didn't know if I could move what resource to SSD based storage to make it load a bit snappier.

  13. 21 hours ago, apandey said:

    It's not clear to me what that situation is. I asked about your objectives for that reason 

    I want to have a 10Gig connection between all 10Gig capable devices on my network without creating any other issues. Currently, pfSense and Unraid are the 10Gig devices persistently connected but I'm anticipating adding another server as a backup. I'm asking what the proper structure of a network should looking like. 

  14. Ultimately I'm wanted to know if I have my network setup "correctly"? I have read about "layers" of networks and also about "pyramid" network setups. I'm nearly certain that I'm overthinking it but that's the point of the thread; I'm asking to how should a network be setup? There are going to be folks in the same situation that will be able to search and find this post but this thread is getting off-topic. The reason I added a 10Gig switch is because I'm planning to add a backup server to my network and that requires a fast connection.

  15. 1 minute ago, Frank1940 said:

    I can't find any description of that switch (Ubiquiti 10G).  How many 10Gb ports does it have?

    Switch Aggregation - https://rb.gy/stzpv


    32 minutes ago, Frank1940 said:

    What is connected to that pfsense router that can supply a 10Gb stream?

    Intel X520-DA1 fiber to Unraid X520-DA2

    50 minutes ago, Frank1940 said:

    How many of your other devices on your network actually have 10Gb capability?

    pfSense, switch, Unraid and computer

    I want a more capable network.


    51 minutes ago, Frank1940 said:

    (Right now I am about as impressed as if you had told me you have a 1965 Volkswagen Bug and 1000HP engine in use in it.)

    Not sure what to make of this?

  16. I have trying to optimize my network as I feel it might not be the "proper" way to set it up. I'm just looking for some information on where network devices should be placed. I don't understand the levels of a network and that seems to be what I see a lot.


    For example: should my LAN go directly into my fastest switch then branch off from there to slower devices? Or should it go to slower devices first then the faster devices?

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