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  1. Works \o/ Should I have found this by reading the docs etc.? Btw .. I know dumb question .. where can I find some sort of documentation?
  2. This change is needed for disk-less Linux boot. I have a small board farm where I run some GPU driver conformance tests for mesa3d. I spoke at XDC2021 about my CI work - there is even a nice/outdated picture of my setup in the presentation. Here is a nice and easy guide about diskless network booting. I am not sure what the ideal solution could look like. The simplest could a be script that can be called after /etc/exports was modified by UD. With the unmodified /etc/exports line this is how the NFS boot looks like. The problematic lines are these two: 22-01-05 13:17:19 R SERIAL> + mount -t tmpfs tmpfs /tmp 22-01-05 13:17:19 R SERIAL> /init-stage1.sh: 17: cannot create /etc/resolv.conf: Permission denied After this the boot hangs (as expected). With the modified line the device boots nicely and runs the unit tests. tower-diagnostics-20220105-1407.zip
  3. Hi all I am using the UD plugin to share some NFS root filesystems and ran into a little problem. I need to edit /etc/exports by hand to get NFS root working. "/mnt/disks/testing-nfs-root" -async,no_subtree_check,fsid=200 *(sec=sys,rw,insecure,anongid=100,anonuid=99,all_squash) to "/mnt/disks/testing-nfs-root" -async,no_subtree_check,fsid=200 *(sec=sys,rw,insecure,anongid=100,anonuid=99,no_root_squash) Is there a way to do this in an automatic way? Thanks
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