Mr. Notepad

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Everything posted by Mr. Notepad

  1. You’re know, you’re absolutely right. I didn’t get an automatic reply when I first submitted, and didn’t really think anything of it. I got an auto reply today though when I retried. Thank you.
  2. Strange.. you should see one of those from me that I submitted on Fri 12/1/2023 at 2:13 PM - haven't received a response on it yet - just replied to myself with a screenshot of the same error OP mentioned today.
  3. Sorry for the late addition but I wanted to address a post ^ that had an issue exactly like mine. I came looking for a solution but then had an epiphany.. what I did to fix that was "reinstall goaccess from previous apps" and point Host Path 2 somewhere else like /opt/log and then apply, remove docker and image, then it disappeared from my orphaned appdata. Profit!