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Everything posted by Iaens

  1. This still doesn't work. I've tried everything, the invidious dock connects to the db but idk why it cant open the files needed. I've reinstalled postgres in all versions but none worked. I've strictly followed the guide, so either the docker is borked or there is a problem with the instructions... Very frustrating.
  2. Thx for the reply. I have tried multiple versions of postgres, and I can't still figure out what I'm doing wrong. I'm using Adminer to modify databases. Here is what I do : I install the container with the user "kemal" and the password "" and the db name invidious. Then I create the structure using the sql commands you give in a block in page 1 of this thread. My understanding is that they are the same as the files on github. I obtain this : And I don't know what to do after.
  3. Hi, I've been looking to self host invidious, but without success... I follow your guide but I cannot get past this error : The container auto restart but do not succeed.
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