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Everything posted by gabbott

  1. Yeah, I noticed that, must be something with windows but my script doesnt have the problem, built it using vi.
  2. OK, used this post to get things setup, made one change, I replaced "/usr/local/sbin/mover" with "/bin/sync" since i don't have a cache drive and this way the discs sync before sleeping. So, if I understand this correctly, with my script config, if none of my 4 media clients are on and all the hard drives are spun down (I have my drives set to spin down after 1 hour), my unraid box will go to sleep. Do I have the correct logic? s3.txt
  3. Ok, forgive me if this seems elementary but new to scripting. So I've got my server working with S3 sleep and all my xbmc boxes are now configured to wake the server when they come out of sleep. I've testing sleep using the sleep script in unmenu. So what I'd like to do is configure my unraid box to go to sleep after say about 2 hours of inactivity. Do I have to put the script in one of the cron folders? Also, how do I configure things so the box doesnt sleep when doing things like a parity check or when something is streaming from it or I'm writing to it? Just trying to automate all this and this should be the last step.
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