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Everything posted by Lyraad

  1. It should be under settings, I'm not sure what causes it to be there as it showed for a bit even when the plugin was not installed during the upgrade.
  2. Took me a while to commit to dealing with the potential downtime if there were any issues, but this all worked like a dream first time thanks. Record server reboot time as well 😂
  3. Yep, you're right, it's right there under errors, don't know how I've never noticed that tab before, I'm guessing it only exists when ther are errors...
  4. Thanks, I went to try this last night, but was having problems mounting any of my shares from my windows PC (to then copy onto the boot drive in terminal after), it's working from my office PC over my wiregaurd connection, so I've dropped them on now ready. Will have another shot at this tonight and let you know how I get on. I already had the plugin installed from 6.12.3, it's not showing in my plugins list, but it's still on the settings page, this isn't going to cause any issues when I go to install the plugin again will it? If it thinks it's already installed (from the old version) I'm guessing I would need to delete it off my boot drive and reboot first
  5. So just to confirm, if I've alredy updated to 6.12.4 the best way is to downgrade unraid and follow the original steps?
  6. I installed the plugin earlier this week, just before is appeared on CA Since then, my Plex and Fileflows containers can't use quicksync anymore, any flows that need transcoding are failing with: [WARN] -> Cant process '/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg -loglevel error -f lavfi -i color=black:s=1080x1080 -vframes 1 -an -c:v hevc_nvenc -f null -': [hevc_nvenc @ 0x55702636efc0] Cannot load libcuda.so.1 Error initializing output stream 0:0 -- Error while opening encoder for output stream #0:0 - maybe incorrect parameters such as bit_rate, rate, width or height And Plex is now hammering my CPU directly for any HW transcode streams. Is there anything I need to change in the params or individual configs for plex/fileflows so they're using the correct device(s)? They both currently have --device=/dev/dri in the extra params which was working before I split out the device. (I'm on an i5-12600K) *EDIT* - Just saw the post about someone with the plex issue and they 6.11.5 fix. I'll try it this evening and see if it fixed file flows as well. Would it be worth swapping to the CA version, or do they pull from the same place? I did update it a couple of days ago but not sure if they're in sync or not.
  7. Update 3, all resolved After some more in searching I found a post from someone else trying to delete and manaully isssue a new Let's Encrpyt from scratch. I had to delete the contents of config/ssl/certs/ from my boot drive. I then changed SSL back to auto and it ungreyed the provision button, allowing me to provision a new Let's Encrypt for and it all works straight away. Sorry for spamming in the forums when I ultilatley figured it out on my own in the end. I guess mods feel free to delete this thread if it's too similar to other issues in the past or feel free to lock it and keep it in hopes it might help someone else with the same issue later down the line. I'll update it as resolved either way.
  8. Update 2 - Partly working So I can acces the web gui back by using but I'd really like to go back so using the Unraid.net SSL. Is there anything I can do or need to do to fix it? I did try updating the DNS first thing like 8 hours ago and I know DNS can take some time to update but I don't really want to keep restarting my server and checking to see if it's fixed then having to change back when it doesn't and I don't know for sure if it even will eventually work. As far as I understood having the auto mode set up it should have still let me use the local IP until it detected the DNS/SSL set up correctly then start redirecting me via the correct path. Can I just delete/reset all this config and set it up as if it was new? Cause I can't see how I would be able to do that.
  9. Updates After a little more digging about on my lunch break I found a couple more things to try but no luck so far. Someone had an issue with ARP caching and resolved it with a router reboot. I tried this as I could access the router from my VM through chrome remote desktop, but still no joy. I also tried restarting nginx through the terminal but I was hopeful as the UI works locally on the machine anyway. I've noticed when I'm trying to just go straight to the IP when it times out the URL has redirected to the *HASH*.unraid.net address so one thing I am going to try when I get home in a few hours is to change disable SSL from auto to off, I've done this through terminal by editing the /config/indent.cfg file but I don't want to reboot it as I won't have any way of accessing it until I'm home.
  10. Update: Issue resolved, see later posts for how I figured it out Hi all Sorry if this is too long of a post, I just want to make sure there is enough detail. TLDR: I changed my server's IP, everything is accessible on this new IP except the Web GUI Background: I made some changes to my network this morning just to make my VPN tunnel work a bit better. It was working fine at work where my local IP was 10.0.0.X and on mobile data when I don't know if I even have one, but if I every used the network at a family or friends house it wouldn't as they would often be using the same 192.168.1.X subnet as on my home network. So I made the decision to move my home network over to a 192.168.69.X (nice) subnet instead. What I Did and what happened I made sure to change the static IP of the server through the web GUI before updating the router, just to save the hassle of trying to do it after, I figured it would just drop initially then come back once the router did it's change. But it didn't, I had the foresight to stop my array before I changed any of this just in case, so I could do any easy shutdown and reboot via the power button on the tower. I started it back up and still nothing, I had a feeling that the *HASH*.unraid.net:6993 would stop working but I couldn't even access via my new IP I had set up for it (My DHCP range is 1-199 so I know there won't be any conflicts). I dug out a keyboard and spare screen and rebooted again into GUI mode and start the array, literally everything else works, my VMs and my docker containers all start up fine and I can access them from other computers on my network via but I still have no remote web UI via LAN. I went into the remote management settings and updated DNS to try and get my *HASH*.unraid.net address working again but no luck so far. I've also been googling around and reading reddit/unraid forum posts trying to find similar issues, but most of them can't access the server at all, where my issues seem to only be affecting the Web GUI. Any advice on how to get the Web Gui working across my LAN again without having to change my router settings back? I'm at work for the next 8 hours, so don't have physical access to the machine at the moment that but I do have remote access to a VM that can SSH into it.
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