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  1. das mit dem "pfeiffen" sagen wir bei uns in österreich, dass etwas geschmiert läuft
  2. danke @DataCollector für die lösung! ich war einfach zu naiv und dachte, dass die kabel "ja eh" in beide richtungen gehen. es ist aber wirklich so, dass man in diesem bereich genau darauf aufpassen muss, welches ende der host und welches das target ist. server läuft, pfeift und ist glücklich
  3. danke für die tipps. wie gesagt, mit diesen steckern kenne ich mich noch nicht aus. aber ist mir jetzt um einiges klarer hab mir das reversekabel von ebay gekauft. sonst finde ich nur "sas host zu sata target"-kabel. den rest schicke ich amazon zurück. ich schreib wieder, wenn die kabel da sind und ob sie funktionieren. wird in ungefähr 2 wochen der fall sein. danke soweit! ihr seid ne großartige hilfe
  4. HBA FW: musste googlen, was du mit HBA meintest. welche FW da drauf ist, weiß ich nicht. HDDs konfiguration: keine ahnung. ich habs nur angesteckt. dachte mit plug&play haut das hin. hab mich da wohl geirrt. bevor ich mir ein fw-upgrade antu, werd ich den controller wohl zurückschicken und einen holen, der von anfang an passt. hättest du eine empfehlung? bei dieser art der hardware steh ich voll am schlauch
  5. solche kabel hatte ich verwendet, aber dachte mir jetzt, ich geh mit einem controller rein, für den fall, dass ich das mainboard & cpu, etc. mal tausche. alle platten können nun gefunden werden, nur habe ich wohl ein folgeproblem: unraid meint, dass ich alle platten getauscht habe, jedoch hat sich nur deren bezeichnung aus irgend einem grund geändert. sind aber alles die exakt gleichen platten wie vorher. kann ich das in den configs am usb stick korrigieren, damit unraid das array starten lässt? danke für die hilfe soweit
  6. Hallo liebe Unraider, ich habe das Gehäuse für meinen Server getauscht. Von einem normalen PC-Tower zu einem Server-Rack. Spezifisch zum SilverStone Technology SST-RM22-312 Unraid läuft, kann aber die HDDs nicht erkennen. Motherboard, CPU und HDDs sind alle noch die alten. Die HDDs bekommen laut LEDs Strom. Die einzige Änderung ist von normalen SATA-Kabeln zu SAS Anschlüssen, wovon der 8 Pin Anschluss nicht verwendet wird, da es für diesen am Motherboard (ASRock x570 phantom gaming 4) keine Anschluss dafür gibt. Da ich mich mit dem SAS nicht auskenne wollte ich mal nachfragen, ob es an dem Nichtanschluss dieses Steckers liegt. Falls ja, werde ich wohl Motherboard (im Worst Case auch die CPU) wechseln müssen. Liebe Grüße, Spidobot
  7. having the same issue with redis. i created a file-link between my docker and unraid and created a redis.conf file. when starting i also recieve the message, that there is no redis.conf specified. if i try to load my custom-conf-file into the redis-server, it aborts the loading, because it is already listening to the 6379 port. it there a way to tell the docker on startup to load my custom config? if it post "redis-server /data/redis.conf" in the post-arguments redis wont start at all. does anyone have any ideas?
  8. thanks for the quick reply! this did the trick. when entering "cat /etc/cron.d/root i learned why to enter it that way. guess you learn something new everyday cat /etc/cron.d/root # Generated docker monitoring schedule: 10 0 * * 1 /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/dockerupdate check &> /dev/null # Generated system monitoring schedule: */1 * * * * /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/scripts/monitor &> /dev/null # Generated mover schedule: 30 0 * * * /usr/local/sbin/mover &> /dev/null # Generated parity check schedule: 30 0 * * 1 [[ $(date +%e) -le 7 ]] && /usr/local/sbin/mdcmd check &> /dev/null || : # Generated plugins version check schedule: 10 0 * * 1 /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.plugin.manager/scripts/plugincheck &> /dev/null # Generated array status check schedule: 20 0 * * 1 /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/scripts/statuscheck &> /dev/null # Generated Unraid OS update check schedule: 11 0 * * 1 /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.plugin.manager/scripts/unraidcheck &> /dev/null # Generated cron settings for docker autoupdates 0 1 * * 1 /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ca.update.applications/scripts/updateDocker.php >/dev/null 2>&1 # Generated cron settings for plugin autoupdates 0 1 * * 1 /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ca.update.applications/scripts/updateApplications.php >/dev/null 2>&1 # CRON for CA background scanning of applications 35 * * * * php /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/community.applications/scripts/notices.php > /dev/null 2>&1 # Generated cron schedule for user.scripts 36 10 1-7 * WED /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/user.scripts/startCustom.php /boot/config/plugins/user.scripts/scripts/ServerReboot/script > /dev/null 2>&1
  9. hi folks i'm having a problem with the custom scheduling of the user scripts plugin. after doing some trial and error, i found, that the day parameter of the cron doesn't seem to work, or that i'm using it wrongly. (i assume it's the last one) script works and gets executed manually and also automatically via cron, whejn the day parameter is set to * . when i set it to anything other, the script is not executed. example: 32 9 1-7 * * -> works, script is being executed 32 9 1-7 * wed -> does not work 32 9 1-7 * 3 -> does not work and with 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 instead did not change anything, sadly if anyone is able to help, would make me pretty happy. use case is, that the script should be executed on every first monday every month. -> https://crontab.guru/#0_0_1-7_*_mon (copied it from there to minimize errors) but this is not being executed i'm running unraid 6.11.0 update_cron and rebooting did not solve this issue
  10. Update: I tried to deleting an old docker (gameserver, which isn't used, so if there goes anything wrong, it wouldn't be bad) and setting up a new instance of it with the same configuration. (as suggested by squid and trurl) -> all previous data (inside of /mnt/user/appdata/satisfactory/) on the array from the old instance got deleted. (just some test-gamesaves, so nothing bad) so what did work for me? 0. stop "main"/"first" container 1. setting up a secondary instance with exact same configuration 1.a but with a twist: for a link to the filesystem, i just added a "2" (just so the name is different for the directory) 2. install 3. let container run for a bit to set itself up (optional, just wanted to be sure the container can install itself once) 4. stop secondary container 5. edit it's config to the "first" container (see 1.a: now all paths should be the same) 6. start up secondary container 7. check data/webui/gameserver/whateverYourContainerIs and delete "first" container 8. delete the directory from 1.a this list could be shorter i know, but i was willing to do the extra steps, just to be rrreeeaaallllyyyy sure, since the initial test with the gameserver showed, that some docker installations overwrite the directory, if there already exists one. same counts for dockers, which need a db-docker. on their first installation, they "migrate" (but simply overwrite and clear) an existing db. happened with "wekan" for me. so above steps should also work for database connections, but i didn't test it. maybe it helps somebody else. thanks all for your time and inputs. they helped a lot!
  11. ok, i'll install a second instance of each docker and take that config for the old one. (want to be shure to not loose data from a database within a docker through deleting that docker and reinstalling it) thanks, i'll try this weekend and report, if it worked, or if i encounter any issues. just in case, anyone has the same problem at some time thanks to you for your quick reply
  12. Hi folks, I tested and ran unraid for some time and configured everything for my use cases perfectly. only thing missing was a flash backup routine. fun thing is, that my flash failed during backup. physical machine wouldn't even boot up again, so i had to setup a new flash and configure everything again, no problem. downside is, that i lost all docker (my)templates during this. my issue is now, that all dockers still work, but updating and config-editing isn't possible anymore, since all templates are gone. for example: my question for you is, if there is a possibility to only get the "standard" config XMLs? i could take everything else from there through editing them in the my*templates folder on the flash. thanks in advance p.s. if there is already a thread with this question, i apologize. i googled and searched the forums, but couldn't find anything suitable. in that case i simply had tomatoes on my eyes. also feel free to move this thread, if it is wrong in this place.