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Posts posted by malebron

  1. On 2/21/2024 at 9:06 AM, AeroMaestro said:

    I started noticing some messages in the logs about  TIMEMACHINE being "a local master browser for workgroup WORKGROUP" -- sometimes it seemed to revert to unRAID, and sometimes it would switch back to timemachine. I really don't understand SMB in this regard, but I edited the timemachine to be on its own workgroup (WORKGROUP2) so it wouldn't conflict with unRAID's master status.  At least, in my mind, that seemed to make sense--perhaps my client computers were having trouble connecting to the timemachine share because there was confusion about who the master was and where the share was located.


    BUT also, it looks like this docker pushed an update last night.  I'm not sure what's changed, but it appears to be working OK again now. I have three clients all connected and backing up and it's been running for about six hours without error so far.

    So I'm not exactly sure if switching the workgroup fixed my issue, or if the latest update fixed it, but things are still running OK.  Apologies to anybody searching for a solution to a similar issue -- I wasn't very scientific here.


    When I read your post I thought I'd give this container another shot. (I quit trying after my issues posted above). Like you I installed the latest update and changed WORKGROUP to MACGROUP.


    What do you know, after many many weeks of trying I finally got a complete backup with no hangs or failures!


    Neither the native method (following SpaceinvaderOne's instructions) nor this container worked for me until now.



  2. Hi. I'm running this docker to backup a Mac Studio (just over 1TB used out of 2TB) to a share dedicated on a 3TB drive on Unraid 6.12.13. I used all the default settings for this docker except password and max storage (set to 2.6TB). There's a 2.5GB Ethernet connection from workstation to server.


    Time Machine starts and stops randomly and never seems to complete a backup. Sometimes it reports the free space correctly, sometimes says "0". Sometimes I can connect to the TimeMachine SMB from Finder, sometimes Finder fails to connect.


    After about a week Unraid says 2.16TB of the 3TB disk has been used, but Time Machine still says "Oldest Backup: None, Latest Backup: None".  Time Machine will open on my Mac, but only lets me look back about a day from the present time. (I have not tried to restore anything). That -1 day was true for several days (until I stopped running the docker).


    TimeMachine Docker log contains this:

    Samba name server TIMEMACHINE is now a local master browser for workgroup WORKGROUP on subnet

    smb2_validate_message_id: smb2_validate_message_id: client used more credits than granted, mid 2, charge 1, credits_granted 0, seqnum low/range: 2/0
    smb2_validate_message_id: smb2_validate_message_id: client used more credits than granted, mid 2, charge 1, credits_granted 0, seqnum low/range: 2/0
    smb2_validate_message_id: smb2_validate_message_id: client used more credits than granted, mid 2, charge 1, credits_granted 0, seqnum low/range: 2/0
    smb2_validate_message_id: smb2_validate_message_id: client used more credits than granted, mid 2, charge 1, credits_granted 0, seqnum low/range: 2/0
    smb2_validate_message_id: smb2_validate_message_id: client used more credits than granted, mid 2, charge 1, credits_granted 0, seqnum low/range: 2/0
    smb2_validate_message_id: smb2_validate_message_id: client used more credits than granted, mid 2, charge 1, credits_granted 0, seqnum low/range: 2/0


    Maybe co-incidence, but other well established SMB devices on the same network seemed to have issues while the Docker was running. (connection failures resolved by substituting IP address).


    The closest to these symptoms I found was on Apple's support site (not related to Unraid) which suggested the problem was in the external drive, which should be replaced.


    Can you suggest any troubleshooting steps?





    Following AeroMaestro's example posted later in this thread, I installed the latest update (as of 3/3/2024) and changed the workgroup name to a different unique name. After this I was FINALLY able to complete a full backup without hangs and failures, and all seems to be working.

  3. On 12/5/2023 at 10:07 AM, malebron said:

    Hello - I am having issues doing a clean re-install.

    1) After moving to new server hardware everything works except my Linuxserver Nextcloud Docker. I was seeing the error "Configuration was not read or initialized correctly, not overwriting /app/www/public/config/config.php". After research I was unable to find a simple fix, so decided to simply do a clean re-install.

    2) I completely removed the old container and renamed /mnt/user/appdata/nextcloud

    3) Installation (with all defaults) gets stuck in a loop, repeating the same error over and over. I assume there is still something left over from the previous install - can you suggest what it might be? If not, what could be tripping up a clean install?

    Here's the log:  (the last section just repeats indefinitely if left)





    UPDATE I got some help from Linusserver.io via Dischord - I think we ruled out any filesystem related issues. Tried bypassing the Fuse layer and mapping the  physical disks. Data drives are xfs, cache is btrfs. Tried putting appdata on a data disk in case btrfs is the issue. So far nothing fixes the problem.



    #0 /app/www/public/lib/base.php(709): OC::checkInstalled()
    #1 /app/www/public/lib/base.php(1196): OC::init()
    #2 /app/www/public/cron.php(43): require_once('...')
    #3 {main}


    SOLVED: - In case this helps anyone else with this issue:

    tl;dr -  DO NOT look at the log file while the installation is running. Let it complete, THEN look.


    After many tries and much troubleshooting I gave up on the linuxserver.io container and tried using the knex666 one, but this would not install either - it also generated a repeating error message (different to the Linuxserver.io one) every 5mins or so. I tried a few things, with no luck, but the final time I did not monitor the log, but went to get coffee. When I returned it had completed successfully.

    Based on this success, I tried re-installing the Linuxserver.io container, but this time I did not immediately open the logfile, but just let it run -- it completed successfully!


    I can't say for sure that this is the direct cause or co-incidence, but AFAIK nothing else was different.

  4. Hello - I am having issues doing a clean re-install.

    1) After moving to new server hardware everything works except my Linuxserver Nextcloud Docker. I was seeing the error "Configuration was not read or initialized correctly, not overwriting /app/www/public/config/config.php". After research I was unable to find a simple fix, so decided to simply do a clean re-install.

    2) I completely removed the old container and renamed /mnt/user/appdata/nextcloud

    3) Installation (with all defaults) gets stuck in a loop, repeating the same error over and over. I assume there is still something left over from the previous install - can you suggest what it might be? If not, what could be tripping up a clean install?

    Here's the log:  (the last section just repeats indefinitely if left)





    UPDATE I got some help from Linusserver.io via Dischord - I think we ruled out any filesystem related issues. Tried bypassing the Fuse layer and mapping the  physical disks. Data drives are xfs, cache is btrfs. Tried putting appdata on a data disk in case btrfs is the issue. So far nothing fixes the problem.



    [migrations] started
    [migrations] 01-nginx-site-confs-default: executing...
    [migrations] 01-nginx-site-confs-default: succeeded
    [migrations] 02-default-location: executing...
    [migrations] 02-default-location: succeeded
    [migrations] done

          ██╗     ███████╗██╗ ██████╗
          ██║     ██╔════╝██║██╔═══██╗
          ██║     ███████╗██║██║   ██║
          ██║     ╚════██║██║██║   ██║
          ╚══════╝╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═════╝

       Brought to you by linuxserver.io

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    User UID:    99
    User GID:    100

    Setting resolver to
    Setting worker_processes to 16
    generating self-signed keys in /config/keys, you can replace these with your own keys if required
    Initializing nextcloud (this can take a while) ...
    Setting permissions
    New nextcloud instance
    Please run the web-based installer on first connect!
    Initializing finished
    After completing the web-based installer, restart the Nextcloud container to apply default memory caching and transactional file locking configurations.
    Alternatively, you can apply your own configurations by editing /config/www/nextcloud/config/config.php following the documentation:
    [custom-init] No custom files found, skipping...
    [ls.io-init] done.
    Exception: Not installed in /app/www/public/lib/base.php:283
    Stack trace:
    #0 /app/www/public/lib/base.php(709): OC::checkInstalled()
    #1 /app/www/public/lib/base.php(1196): OC::init()
    #2 /app/www/public/cron.php(43): require_once('...')
    #3 {main}
    Exception: Not installed in /app/www/public/lib/base.php:283
    Stack trace:
    #0 /app/www/public/lib/base.php(709): OC::checkInstalled()
    #1 /app/www/public/lib/base.php(1196): OC::init()
    #2 /app/www/public/cron.php(43): require_once('...')
    #3 {main}

  5. 25 minutes ago, itimpi said:

    It is limited by the 'virtual' NIC speed which I believe is typically around 10Gb so in practise that is normally not the limiting factor.

    Thx. Good to know. Really surprised that the default "direct" connect mode is so crap - especially compared to network connect.


    I just wonder if this is a well known deficiency (to all except me, apparently), and if so, is anyone working on a fix and/or alternative?

  6. Update: I tried mounting the share as an external SMB (using the server IP). This makes a HUGE difference.  I can still detect a noticeable lag, but its a fraction of a second, not 5 seconds!


    Could the problem simply be virtio performance? Is this just a bad way to connect drives?


    Additional Update: I'm noticing that file transfer is also WAY faster. My subjective assessment is 2x-3x!


  7. I have an Unraid share accessed by an Ubuntu VM (22.04 LTS). Access to the share is set up via the VM template. Share mode is "9p mode".

    The share is on a 2 drive 4TB xfs array. Unraid 6.12.3


    Copying files to and from the share seems normal and performance is as expected. Within Ubuntu File Manager I can navigate UP (eg clicking on a folder) and see the contents instantly. However when I navigate DOWN (ie go back, towards root), it takes about 5 seconds after each click before contents are displayed. This is starting to get tedious!


    When navigating this share in Finder on my Mac everything works normally.

    When accessing another (external SMB) drive in Ubuntu, navigation behaves normally.


    I assume it's a setting somewhere, but I'm not sure where to look.

    Changing the caching mode for the share did not help.


    Any suggestions?





  8. I'm looking advice and guidance about moving an existing unRaid server to new hardware.


    My existing machine is barely adequate and cannot be expanded, so I ordered parts for a new build, but I'm not sure how I will move everything over.


    What steps are involved (after a full backup of course)? Is it just a question of moving the flash drive over to the new machine? What about all the configurations in my Dockers and VMs? Can I just plug my old hard drives in and go? What configs may need to be tweaked?



  9. I'm looking advice and guidance about moving an existing unRaid server to new hardware.


    Is it just a question of moving the flash drive over to the new machine? What about all the configurations in my Dockers and VMs? Can I just plug my old hard drives in and go? You get the idea.


    This question does not seem to fit any of the available categories. Where in the forums can I ask it?





  10. I've been running unRaid for a while on a refurb Dell PC which can only accommodate 2x3.5in HDDs.  Now I'm looking for better CPU performance (than i5 6500 3.2GHz) and to move the drives from my old Netgear NAS over to unRaid.  Refurb PCs just don't have enough drive bays.


    I started researching tower cases and DIY motherboards, but then discovered that you can buy used commercial rack servers very cheaply. For the same money or less I can buy a used 2U 19in rack server with 12-24 3.5in bays, dual Xenon E5-2600 series CPUs, dual 1000W PSUs etc.


    Would this be a really dumb idea? Would unRaid run on such a platform? Would controller support be an issue? Despite being "server grade", would the older Xeon processors have good performance compared to more recent desktop CPUs? Would I need to add any hardware?


    If this is a viable option, do you have any recommendations for specific manufacturers or models to look out for? (or avoid!)



  11. 2 hours ago, SliMat said:


    Thanks @malebron I did go down this route myself, but when I ran updater I got a write permissions error... so I have just deleted the docker entirely and started again - which is going to take hours to set up, but as I have been on this for over 2 weeks so far, I guessed it would still be quicker :(


    The only query I have now, is when I started the installation it warned me that I 'chose' SQLite as the database... which I didnt as there was no option to use MariaDB which is still installed from my previous NextCloud docker.


    Any ideas how to switch from SQLite... or, if it's OK to just use this anyhow?



    I initially had a permissions error also. Since it was for the version.php file I just edited, I simply used chmod 777 to enable all permissions on that file. I know that's a sledgehammer approach, but it allowed the updater to complete.


    I can't help on the SQLite question, but I remember that MariaDB was recommended. It was a while ago, but I think I followed a SpaceInvaderOne video in my initial installation. That may be your best bet.

  12. @SliMat I have had the EXACT same issue as you. I just fixed it by setting my repository to 25.0.4 and editing "/config/www/nextcloud/version.php" to replace 26.x.x with 25.0.4.  My guess is that when I followed the advice in this thread and set the repo to 26, this file was updated - even though it was actually on 25.x.x.


    After this you can follow the instructions here: N


  13. 4 hours ago, malebron said:


    I am in exactly the same position with the same problem. After changing the repository to 26.0.2 the updater wants to "upgrade" to 25.0.9. This does not work. The terminal window disappears after the extraction step.


    Can we go back to an older version available before 25.0.9 that the updater can then work on?


    I found this useful document "https://info.linuxserver.io/issues/2023-06-25-nextcloud/"

    Which says:

    Check your /config/www/nextcloud/config/config.php file or /config/www/nextcloud/version.php file to determine the version you have installed

    Switch your image to the corresponding major version from the table above (ex: your files indicate 24.x.x, use lscr.io/linuxserver/nextcloud:version-24.0.12) and start the container

    The file  "/config/www/nextcloud/config/config.php" contains the lines
      'default_phone_region' => 'US',
      'dbtype' => 'mysql',
      'version' => '',


    The file "/config/www/nextcloud/version.php" contains
    $OC_Version = array(26,0,2,1);
    $OC_VersionString = '26.0.2';
    $OC_Edition = '';
    $OC_Channel = 'stable';
    $OC_VersionCanBeUpgradedFrom = array (
      'nextcloud' =>

    Do I have 25.0.4 OR 26.0.2 ?

    Whichever image I choose, the updater fails with "Downloaded version is lower than installed version":

    root@_____:~# docker exec -it nextcloud updater.phar
    Nextcloud Updater - version: v26.0.0beta2-9-g64e2e4c dirty

    Current version is 26.0.2.

    Update to Nextcloud 25.0.9 available. (channel: "stable")
    Following file will be downloaded automatically: https://download.nextcloud.com/server/releases/nextcloud-25.0.9.zip
    Open changelog ↗

    Steps that will be executed:
    [ ] Check for expected files
    [ ] Check for write permissions
    [ ] Create backup
    [ ] Downloading
    [ ] Verify integrity
    [ ] Extracting
    [ ] Enable maintenance mode
    [ ] Replace entry points
    [ ] Delete old files
    [ ] Move new files in place
    [ ] Done

    Start update? [y/N] y

    Info: Pressing Ctrl-C will finish the currently running step and then stops the updater.

    [✔] Check for expected files
    [✔] Check for write permissions
    [✔] Create backup
    [✔] Downloading
    [✔] Verify integrity
    [✘] Extracting failed
    Downloaded version is lower than installed version

    Update failed. To resume or retry just execute the updater again.

  14. On 8/3/2023 at 9:09 AM, SliMat said:


    As soon as I change docker repository back to;



    The docker 'updates' and when I check the log file it shows;

    Cant start nextcloud because the version...


    Also when I change the repository to;



    It shows that NextCloud is running in log, well it actually DOESNT say it cant start it... so I assume its running - but I still have no Web UI ?!?!


    I am in exactly the same position with the same problem. After changing the repository to 26.0.2 the updater wants to "upgrade" to 25.0.9. This does not work. The terminal window disappears after the extraction step.


    Can we go back to an older version available before 25.0.9 that the updater can then work on?

  15. I've had a Nextcloud Docker instance running for over a year with no issues. I just upgraded to the latest Unraid (6.11.5), and updated my containers (I just clicked on the "update" link on the Docker page). Based on the info page I think it's now 25.0.4-ls225.


    Now I try to access Nextcloud I get: "This version of Nextcloud is not compatible with > PHP 8.0. You are currently running 8.1.16."


    Any ideas where I start to fix this? Is it in the container, is it Unraid, or where?  I thought containers were self contained and took care of dependencies.





    I followed the instructions here. This fixed it for me:




    • Thanks 3
  16. On 3/8/2022 at 9:44 PM, malebron said:

    Hi - I'm trying to get sharing to work. Where is /ext/share/ ?

    Clicking "Share" under "More options" generates a link <web.address>/ext/share/<Java key>, but this goes to a "Sorry, the content is not available" page, and clicking "Manage Shared Media" goes to an empty list.  I'm wondering if this directory or a pointer to it is missing.


    I remember using this feature in Subsonic - did I miss something in the setup...?




    "Share" under "More Options" is for sharing the music play queue only. If the queue is empty a link will be generated, but it will be invalid and will not be added to the shared media list. This is used for songs only.

    To share a video you must use the Share icon in the video player. HOWEVER this icon is invisible (white on white!) in the default theme!! First change the theme to a dark theme. Then you will be able to see the share icon in the lower left corner of the player.

    This will generate the share link, which can be managed in the Shared Media tab. (as in Subsonic).

    I am told this will be fixed in a future release.

  17. I know this is an old thread, but in case anyone else is asking the same question:


    I used the linux.io community template for Airsonic-Advanced and followed Spaceinvader One's awesome videos to the letter. It worked perfectly!

    I use it for videos mostly rather than music, so my use case may be atypical but I discovered all kinds of problems with Airsonic-Advanced - share links don't work, video thumbnails are messed up and more.

    Then I found Hurricanes' Subsonic Docker on Docker Hub and followed the instructions in this thread:

    I found it simple to install and it was a drop-in replacement. (as long as you stop the Airsonic container before starting the Subsonic one!). No changes to the reverse proxy etc.


    The Subsonic version may be older but everything works exactly as it should (including my old premium license) with no issues.


    Based on this experience, I'd say that when they forked Airsonic from Subsonic, they forked it up! ;) YMMV


    If there's a better (more recently maintained) Subsonic Docker image out there, I'd love to know.

  18. On 3/8/2022 at 9:44 PM, malebron said:

    Hi - I'm trying to get sharing to work. Where is /ext/share/ ?

    Clicking "Share" under "More options" generates a link <web.address>/ext/share/<Java key>, but this goes to a "Sorry, the content is not available" page, and clicking "Manage Shared Media" goes to an empty list.  I'm wondering if this directory or a pointer to it is missing.


    I remember using this feature in Subsonic - did I miss something in the setup...?



    UPDATE: I fired up mu old server to see how it worked on Subsonic.

    The Subsonic webplayer has a "share" icon (along with fullscreen, new window, play and download). This generates a link which shows up under "manage my shared media".

    The Airsonic player does not. I can see CC, volume, fullscreen and quality choosers. (also no download?!). The only share function I can see is for "play queue" - which appears to do nothing.

    Where does the share function live now?


  19. Hi - I'm trying to get sharing to work. Where is /ext/share/ ?

    Clicking "Share" under "More options" generates a link <web.address>/ext/share/<Java key>, but this goes to a "Sorry, the content is not available" page, and clicking "Manage Shared Media" goes to an empty list.  I'm wondering if this directory or a pointer to it is missing.


    I remember using this feature in Subsonic - did I miss something in the setup...?



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