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  1. is there any thing special I would need to do with my docker configuration to get this to work? losing out on ~10mh/s is a bit painful for efficiency.
  2. I have tried 1 and 2 for values in there. every attempt has resulted in the error in my last post.
  3. What needs to be done to be able to use the -mt config option in this container? I am running with a privileged container. 20220301 14:59:22 20220301 14:59:22 + GPU #0: [00:03.0|1b80] GeForce GTX 1080, 8119 MB 20220301 14:59:22 20220301 14:59:22 WARN: DevFee 1% (ethash) 20220301 14:59:22 20220301 14:59:22 URL : XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 20220301 14:59:22 USER: XXXXXXXXXX 20220301 14:59:22 PASS: x 20220301 14:59:22 WRK : XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 20220301 14:59:22 20220301 14:59:22 Starting on: ethash.na.mine.zergpool.com:9999 20220301 14:59:22 ApiServer: HTTP server started on 20220301 14:59:22 ---------------------------------------------------- 20220301 14:59:22 For control navigate to: 20220301 14:59:22 ---------------------------------------------------- 20220301 14:59:22 GPU #0: intensity 22, mtweak 1 20220301 14:59:24 Using protocol: stratum1. 20220301 14:59:24 Authorizing... 20220301 14:59:24 Authorized successfully. 20220301 14:59:24 ethash epoch: 331, block: 9933729, diff: 999.98 M 20220301 14:59:26 GPU #0: generating DAG 3.59 GB for epoch 331 ... 20220301 14:59:26 GPU #0: generating DAG 3.59 GB for epoch 331 ... 20220301 14:59:37 �[0;36mGPU #0: DAG generated [crc: da3cf25b�[0m�[0;36m, time: 11097 ms], memory left: 4.24 GB �[0m20220301 14:59:37 TREX: Can't find nonce with device [ID=0, GPU #0], cuda exception: CUDA_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INSTRUCTION, try to reduce overclock to stabilize GPU state 20220301 14:59:37 WARN: Miner is going to shutdown... 20220301 14:59:37 Main loop finished. Cleaning up resources... 20220301 14:59:37 ApiServer: stopped listening on 20220301 14:59:39 T-Rex finished. 20220301 14:59:41 WARN: WATCHDOG: T-Rex does not exist anymore, restarting... 20220301 14:59:41 T-Rex NVIDIA GPU miner v0.25.6 - [Linux] 20220301 14:59:41 r.e2b4b01ffa83 20220301 14:59:41 20220301 14:59:42 20220301 14:59:42 NVIDIA Driver v510.54
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