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Posts posted by ELP1

  1. On 7/6/2023 at 1:25 AM, Palaris said:


    Does it remain frozen the whole time? I've found that it seems to update very infrequently, like every 10 secs or so I get an updated percentage, etc.

    Yes, it stays frozen whole time. There is no update till operation is finished.

  2. Hello, I am trying to enable Resizable Bar in my VM with Radeon 6650XT, but till now no luck. I am running Unraid 6.12.

    I did all steps according checklist from previous post:


    - Host BIOS Enable ReBAR support

    - Host BIOS Enable 4G Decoding

    - Enable & Boot Custom Kernel syslinux configuration (near beginning of this thread)

    - Boot Unraid in UEFI Mode

    - VM must use UEFI BIOS

    - VM must have the top line of XML from <domain type='kvm'> to:

    <domain type='kvm' xmlns:qemu='http://libvirt.org/schemas/domain/qemu/1.0'>

    - VM must have added the following (after the </device> line, before the </domain> line):

        <qemu:arg value='-fw_cfg'/>
        <qemu:arg value='opt/ovmf/X-PciMmio64Mb,string=65536'/>


    I have GPU bind to VFIO at boot. Standard GPU passthrough is working properly.

    What can I try? I found some script but as far as I understand it is not needed for Unraid 6.12.


    Thank you for any help!

  3. I would have a question regarding GUI in Dasboard view. There are new icons for cog, wrench and info. Is it intention to have that squares background? In my opinion it somehow does not fit in general view. For me it is every login little bit eye catching. Maybe it is matter of taste or time? I do not know. What do you guys think? I know that it is just stupid thing but...

    Please see attached example.


    • Like 1
  4. Hello Michael,

    thank you for your feedback! I have Intel i5 10400. It is 6 cores processor. 4 cores are isolated and I use for my VM all 4 isolated cores + 1 shared core. So in total it is 5 cores + threads. But the issue is strange... In main menu it is working normally everything is very nice fluid. In hangar view I even hear that fans spin up and computer is noticeable louder (like normally under the load). Even my GPU and CPU utilization is high. However once I start the game I see usage CPU or GPU only 50% and computer is silent and game works but that performance is not very good. It is relatively playable but not so much fun. FPS is something like approx. 20 - 30 FPS. I have GPU AMD 6650XT passthrough, also 16GB of ram and I use Q35 machine. But every other game like Metro Exodus / Tomb Raider is working flawlessly. Also any change in settings does not influence performance. I can set everything to "LOW" even resolution, but performance is more or less still the same. 


    I assume it is something similar like here described on Proxmox: https://forum.level1techs.com/t/windows-gaming-vm-on-proxmox-performance-optimization-in-msfs-2020/187683 but I have no idea what to try in Unraid. I am just let say advanced user of Unraid :-). 

  5. Thank you and sorry for forgot to mention plugin and creating thread in wrong place.

    It looks like that it is working again. I completely overlooked "Plugins error" tab, where was listed also File manager. So I clicked uninstall from this tab and I uninstalled it also from standard "Plugins" tab. Afterwards I installed it again and for now I do not see described copy issue.


    EDIT: Copy issue is again present, further discussion will be in the plugin thread. 

    • Like 1
  6. Hello,

    I have very similar experience like you. I am relatively new to Unraid and I wanted to backup my VM vdisk (137GB) to my array. First time it goes fine with speed corresponding to array, however when I need to do it second time it takes enormous time and it is doing very strange things, like creating 4 other files of the copied file and in the end they are deleted, high CPU consumption...

    I described it in detail here: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/135840-copy-of-single-big-file-vdisk-using-unraid-file-explorer/#comment-1236583

    Can somebody explain a little bit more about it?

    Thank you!


    EDIT: I missed error in "Plugins Error" tab where was listed also File Manager. So I clicked uninstall. I also uninstalled again this plugin from standard Plugins tab. Afterwards I installed plugin again and it looks like that it is working again.


    EDIT 2: Unfortunately described issue is present again.

    In the meantime I did exactly same copy operation directly from Windows and it works flawlessly.

  7. Hello,

    yesterday I did backup of my VM (single vdisk file) with size of 137GB. I used built-in Unraid file explorer for copy. It took some time until I reached 100% (for the first time), however after reaching 100% it started to do something strange. Basically the original copied file was becoming smaller and there were 4 other files which were becoming bigger. Also My percentage counter started again. All of them were in the end of the size of vdisk file (4 x 137GB), which were copied originally. So to copy my 137GB VM image I needed to have space in array for over 500GB.

    In the end of the process after approx. 4h and 30min, there was again only original one vdisk file with size of 137GB.

    Please see attached screenshots below.


    My array consists of 3x 2TB HDD (1x parity, 2x data), XFS file system, default settings.


    My questions are following:

    Is this normal behavior during copy of a big file or something went wrong?

    Why were there created other 4 copies of the file which was already copied in the array and in the end they were again deleted?


    Thank you in advance for your support!


    EDIT: I did some testing and first copy of big file is quite OK, however if I do 2nd time another operation (copy of big single file), then it is doing mentioned thing. Any ideas?


    VM Copy.jpg

    VM Copy3_1.jpg

    VM Copy6_1.jpg

  8. On 11/2/2022 at 11:08 PM, JudasD said:


    I also see the static display on the dashboard that will only update when the page is refreshed.

    Have you made any changes to the config files in your NUT setup? The unraid NUT settings page retains the settings. It is the NUT config files that get defaulted. 

    No, I have not made any changes, just installed.

  9. Hello,

    I am using NUT with 6.11.1 however I do not experience any issues with configuration as you mentioned.


    But what I see (I do not know how it worked before)... There is no realtime update of UPS status in Unraid dashboard. Whole page has to be refreshed to see latest percentage of battery / status. Is this standard behavior?


    I started to use this plugin only 1 day ago so it is hard for me to judge if it is normal or not.

  10. Hello,

    I experience quite strange issue. Long story short... I was in "rush" with setup of Unraid and VM and I checked all available logical CPU for VM. Now I have some time and I read that is good to keep at least one pair free for Unraid. So I decided that I will uncheck in my case CPU0 / CPU6 (i5 10400). However afterwards I do not see my physical GPU in VM anymore. Previously especially after Unraid upgrade to newer version I experienced same strange behavior. My GPU suddenly disappeared. Based on this experience I did .xml VM config backup, which always help me to recover with GPU passthrough.


    Do you have an idea what could cause this problem?

    Thank you for any suggestion.


    EDIT: I solved it with switching GPU to VNC afterwards I changed the number of cores and then switch back to GPU Passthrough. 

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