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Posts posted by JGKahuna

  1. I am trying to set up a peer to peer network from my windows to the ETH1 10 gb port. Eth0 is also 10gb and running to my switch. I set up the ETH1 with a static ip and mapped it to my windows 10gig computer port. So what is UnRaid saying port down still? My idea is to be able to transfer files via Syncthing over the 10gb ports. ETH1 reads "shutdown (inactive)"


  2. I changed the clock time in the bios and now I can not get the motherboard to boot to the BIOS. I get a blue screen with AB in bottom right corner. I have tried to change the time back before Dec 31, 2020 in UEFI but it does not save and F10 does not seem to save the changes so when I try to reboot into bios I get the same blue screen and if I try to boot back to UEFI the clock has changed back to the current EST. I have cleared the CMOS and checked the battery. So not sure what else to do. I had wanted to see what the IPMI IP was in the BIOS and that is where it all started. I have included the diagnostics and the board will run fine and boot to UnRaid, but would really like to get into the bios. If anyone has ideas I would be extremely appreciative. 


  3. 19 minutes ago, JGKahuna said:

    Actually I get a warning that it is running out of space now. It ran up to 100% usage. And would not pull down another docker image

    Fixed, had to increase the disk size. 

  4. I have one Docker running DUCKDNS, and even when I stop it, I still get 51% of the Ram being used? If I start another docker I get a warning message. I have even Pinned the cpu on the Duck DNS to only use a few cores.

    docker 51%.png

  5. Hope this is in the right forum. When I log into IPMI on the SuperMicro board I get this "You need the latest Java(TM) Runtime Environment. Would you like to update now"  I tried a Windows 64 package, "jre-8u361-windows-x64" but I think it may not be what it was looking for. Any links or ideas?

  6. I just shrank the number of disks in my server. I took two out to build a backup server for it. Now I have three disks plus the parity. Plus two cashe ssds. So it  shows Parity, Disk 1, Disk 2 and Disk 5. How can I change Disk 5 to read Disk 3? Thanks. johngessner.com

  7. ok I found the docker location and copied it to the Docker panel under settings and everything is back as it should be. I guess I should have the docker img file in the cashe pool or backed up somehow. 


  8. Ok, I think I know what happened. The docker image is on my disk 4 and when I went to start the array it said Disk four was unmountable. Then I rebooted and the error went away. 



  9. I just updated Duplicati and I am not sure if it is connected, but now all my dockers are missing. I had Plex, DuckDNS, Duplicati, and Krusader. I went to the APPS section and searched for DuckDNS and it seemed like I had not ever installed the APP.   Also I tried to Reboot but to no avail.

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